Allspice, Head of SPICE
Allspice is the leader to the elite group called SPICE (Stewards Preventing Imperfectly Casted Enchantments). This group was to regain and find those Fae that were affected by Wish Dragon wishes that had gone awry. Members of the organization soon were to be known as SPI's (pronounced spy). The SPI's realized that the best way to keep an eye on the Wish Dragons was to become the makers of the Ambrosia they would drink. They could give the Wish Dragons Ambrosia and then watch to see who would show up after a drinking session. The Dragons never realized that their bakers were actually their keepers and were completely unaware about what was happening when they hiccupped - the Dragons just enjoyed the Ambrosia!
Of course no able baker went unprepared with making up a batch of Ambrosia. Allspice always dons his favorite Dragon proof chef hat and his apron before starting.
Then the magical fun begins. Allspice drags his bellows over to the fire where his pot hangs. He couldn't get the flames hot without it. Plus he loves the feeling he got when he could get into the rhythm of the sound the bellows made when he stepped on it.
Then pot started bubbling and Allspice has things flying around the room! There was a spoon that was pouring something into the pot. A bottle that was dripping into the pot and then a funnel that Allspice liked to "toot" through. For he truly loved the rhythm and musical nodes that all went into the making of Ambrosia. Especially the magical ingredient "Glee". One had to be happy when making ambrosia for the Dragons to truly enjoy their brew. All of these elements floating over the pot. Suddenly the pot began to boil over and then sparks started shooting out - lighting up the cave where Allspice was brewing. Suddenly he clapped his hands with glee and shouts "Ambrosia!"