The Ash The Strength of the Ash Most often associated with fire, masculinity, strength, healing, balance, and rebirth. The Spear of Odin was said to be made of Ash. Her Message to You When you enter that period of inactivity where the desire is lost to get up and do anything, this is called boredom. This can happen on the mental level as well as the physical. The best weapon to use to fight off the lethargy is the Spear. The Spear of Ash is "checking of the peace" and beneficial in finding balance when used in mediation. Visualize your inertia and laziness as a hideous figure and drive away with your Spear. Life is a cycle of constant changes of ups and downs. Friction and conflict are often necessary to force us out of our comfort zone. Take up the Spear of Manifestation and create a new reality for yourself. |