I started the project by first tracing a mask on to paper. The mask was sized to Nemmer's face by holding the paper to the head and drawing the basic contours so that it would not be too small. This also aided me in making sure that the eyes aligned properly.
Next it was time to start cutting out all the feathers. I tried a couple different ways, but the petal affect worked best. I simply snipped around the outer edges to get the feather texture I was looking for.
After several feathers were created, it was time to glue them on to the mask. As more feathers were added, I became pleased with the feather effect - it was exactly what I was looking for.
The acrylic paint came out then. I painted a base of white over the whole mask and then started painting my blue jay look. It helped using a couple of blue jay images to get just the right shading.
Nemmer was quite pleased with his mask. My finishing touch was to add a sprinkle of magical glitter so that Nemmer had the ability to blend into his surroundings better. One does have to hide pretty well when out on a mission to look for Dusty Mytes or missing Dragons.