“I am afraid it doesn't work that way. I have tried but no matter how much I try to do something, it somehow always seems to not come out the exact way I pictured it to be,” answered The CAT. “Look Hungry, bad things can happen even when trying to do good.” Dewin had his own plan here and being interrupted by this CAT wasn't helping it, but before he could stop The CAT, another spoke first. “You're his Spite!” Sprigg’n exclaimed excitedly at The CAT. “I wasn’t sure at first, but after listening to you speak, the feelings we experienced when we first met, and now meeting Hungry, I realize that you ARE his Spite. That is Good... I think." “What do you mean 'his Spite'?” Hungry and The CAT, both being surprised and confused, replied together. Now everyone was listening for Sprigg'n's answer, even the Wizard. Since Sprigg'n still hadn't answered, Dewin asked again, "What do you mean? How is The CAT the Wish Dragon's Spite? You told me before that Spites only appear with a Wish Dragon and a wish." Shaking her head at the wizard, Sprigg’n finally answered. “Hungry and The CAT were both born at the same time. Hungry must have been from a wish that was answered, and don’t ask me how it was answered or by whom cause I don’t know. But, The CAT is Hungry’s Spite, take it from me.” “But what does that mean?” pleaded the Dragon. “Will he help me make the right choices so that evil won't reign?”
Before Hungry could grant the wish though, Hewy jumping in with a loud "NO!" which distracted everyone. "Is that why you have been looking for this Dragon, Wizard?" Hewy stared at Dewin. But before he could answer, Hewy turned to the little Dragon and said "Hungry, before returning Dewin to his own land think about what could be the downside of his wish. It could just as easily be that he will loose all the magic he has accumulated while here or that his life may end. The magic here has kept him alive for far longer than he normally would have lived in his own realm.”
“What things, Mom?” asked the young Dryad. “Hewy is well known in the Realms as a master musician. He has already played out the first part by singing us the prophecy. Though I don’t know for sure about the Dryad who has forsaken its way, and I am also not sure about what Hewy has to mend let alone what the Dragon’s token is,” she told Sprout. “Maybe the others might have figured it out as I haven’t,” she said as she looked at the others to see if anyone did have the answers. “But Mom, what happens if the rest of the prophecy doesn't happen? Does it mean that Hungry is not the Dragon?” Now that question took Parsley by surprise. “Does it?” she thought. Before the others could say anything, Hewy again spoke. “I have been thinking about that too and it sounds like Hungry is more than just hungry for food but also for knowledge. Maybe it is who will teach him the power of the Wishing that will cause the evil?”
“No! No, I love it here. I don’t want anything to happen to anyone here. I don’t wish harm to Scarlet nor the Nytemares, or Acorn, or Meen, or any of the others I have made friends with. What should I do?” Hungry inquired – now not really asking just Cornelia but the entire group.
Which way will it sway and who will triumph none yet can foretell but for good to win the evil must not prevail; for if evil wins forever magic will be changed or lost and the Realms will suffer at the cost. For in the telling of this tale a musician must play as the dryad who has forsaken it's way; the troll will mend what was once broken as they both must gain the Dragyn 's token. When Hewy was finished and the others silently trying to figure out the song, he spoke. "Hungry, I am glad to meet you. What you just heard was a prophecy from long ago told to me by Awena of the Sleeping Sisters. We think it is about you and the choices you must make for the Realms."
"What are you doing interrupting me like that?" growled the angry wizard glaring at the Spite. Sprigg'n wasn't backing down and said, "You will not hinder the Dragon's decision. This day has been foretold since the day you came to the Realms and why I was born. You will have your chance to convince Hungry of your desires, but not with the magic you seek to change." Surprised to hear such determination from the Spite, the spell vanished from his mind. "Since the Spite has gotten her own name, she should have added "pain" to the middle of it," thought the Wizard. He continued to mutter, "Now I am going to have to convince the Dragon to grant my wish by using my other plan." Turning back to the others, Dewin realized that Hewy was just finishing repeating the prophecy and was starting to answer Hungry's questions. No one had noticed. "So you think that I am the Wish Dragon in the story, err... I mean prophecy? But how can that be if this was written long before I was born?" asked the confused Dragon. "If I am, what am I supposed to do and who are the others mentioned? Don't they have to be here also?"
Efem, noticing his snacking, smiled as she continued, "and the hungry part, besides being also your name, may also apply to you as I watch you eating every morsel left in your take-away bag from the Sugar Plum Bakery." "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed a Dragon could blush," thought Hewy as he watched Hungry quickly put the last remaining cookie back into the bag he had been carrying.
Now I am caught up in this silly drama waiting for my part to play as well. Oh, I have choices, don't get me wrong. It is not like I 'have' to do something. By one of my little acts, things could change the outcome. But would it just delay the same results or create another whole new problem? I decided a long time ago, to just go with the flow (that's a well joke if you missed it). So, I might as well see who has already arrived and who is coming since I can feel their energy as they approach.
Efem was my favorite Tree Mother as I did enjoy her inner light. I see that Cornelia and Parsley still like to spar with each other, that certainly hasn't changed it seems. But who is that young energy around the Troll? I haven't met him before though I can feel a connection through him to the Tree Mothers. Hmm... that is interesting. Now the Troll certainly is a different vibration. Usually they are so slow and stagnate (think water... come'on these are funny), but this Troll has a different beat around him. I do believe he is going to have an important part in the prophecy if now is the time for it to happen.
Ahhh... now we all come together... for here is the wizard and the Spite who I gave my mirror too approaching like a tidal wave hitting the beach (okay... if you missed that one you really don't have a sense of humor and maybe aren't well --[wishing well that is - sorry just had to throw in one more]). As Dewin, the Wizard, and Sprigg'n approach The Wishing Well, they are surprised to see so many others there. "Where did they all come from?" the wizard whispered to the Spite. "I thought we were only going to meet the Dragon." Before Sprigg'n could answer, Hungry noticed them walking down the trail and the first thing his eyes latched onto was what Sprigg'n was carrying. "You have MY PILLOW!" roared the Dragon.
Both sat down and stared at each other for a minute but shortly realized that the energy was growing again. Sprigg’n decided to test a theory by standing up and moving a little farther away from The CAT. The electrical build-up started to dissipate. “So, it is something about us being together,” thought the Spite. “I wonder what it could be.” As The CAT was thinking things over, Sprigg’n realized something. “You’re a SPITE!” she shouted as she jumped up. A funny look appeared on The CAT’s face as her comment as sunk in. “How could I be a Spite?” asked The CAT. “Spites only appear with a Wish Dragon and a wish.”
“I don’t know anything about being a Spite. What should I do?” inquired The CAT. For the first time in his life, he was confused and unsure of himself so it was a surprise that he was asking Sprigg’n for help. “I am only asking for her help since she has been a Spite for a long time and should know more about it,” he rationalized to make himself feel better as he did not like owing anyone anything. Sprigg’n sat back down and thought some more. Finally, she answered The CAT. “You should be able to feel the Wish Dragon to locate him. You need to go to him to find out if you are his Spite.” “Now why would I want to let a Dragon eat me?” replied The CAT. “No thanks!” “If you are his Spite, he won’t eat you! You dumb cat!” growled Sprigg’n. “He needs you as much as you will need him. If anything happens to the Dragon – it will also happen to you!” Now, that was a thought The CAT did not like. “Okay, I will find him, but what should we do after that?” he asked Sprigg’n. “I know a wizard who might be able to help. Do you know where the Magical Well is?” As The CAT nodded his head in the affirmative, Sprigg’n continued. “Take him to there and we will meet you.” As Sprigg’n started to leave, she heard The CAT mutter, “You better be right about not being eaten…” before he too disappeared. Neither had realized that they had been overheard by another…
Now, as everyone who has ever lived with a cat (you don't own a cat - you just live with it), that a cat has a mind of it's own. Add a touch of magic, the ability to talk, and a cat attitude - things become even more interesting. Especially with a cat that has a twisted sense of humor!
The CAT quickly sauntered (cats do not just walk anywhere) over to the Twitter birds' pond and summoned who could be calling him... It was that wizard Dewin's Spite looking into a mirror. "Why would she be searching for me?" The CAT pondered. "I haven't bothered a Spite before..." As he said this, he realized that this was something new and not boring!!! Instantly he knew where the Spite was and that it was very close. "Close enough for just a short magical spring" decided The CAT. So, as Sprigg'n was deciding whether to search for The CAT or go and tell Dewin what she had discovered (both about the Wish Dragon and her new names), The CAT suddenly appeared sitting on the trail in front of her. There was no 'POOF' of magic - just a smug looking cat smiling at the Spite like it was soon to be a meal. "I have heard of you," Spite smiled back, "and your mischief. What do you want from me?"
"Oops. Sorry - I forgot and I don't even know what a 'knock, knock' joke is," Sprigg'n replied. "Lucky you," said the mirror. "Will you please help me?" begged Sprigg'n. "Okay, If we have an understanding, I will. Look deeply into the mirror for what is to be and you soon you will see... arggghhh! Now you got me doing it!" growled the mirror.
"Can you repeat that portion of the prophecy again Hewy?" asked Sprout. "One more time only," answered the Troll. "Here it is... For in the telling of this tale a musician must play as the dryad who has forsaken it's way; the troll will mend what was once broken as they both must gain the Dragyn 's token. "What does it mean by a Dryad who has forsaken it's way? Could that be my mother since she has decided to work with the herbs instead of the trees?" Sprout asked. "I don't know. I am not even sure that the Troll is me," replied Hewy. "To find out though will require us to find the Wish Dragon first."
For example, the influences of Virgo confirmed his feelings that the Dragon must have been at some time somewhere in the woods but not near water. The colors of Virgo's sign point him in this direction by listening to their silent messages within the shades of green and browns - blend, camouflage, hide where you can't be seen and least expected.
As Dewin continues his divinations by consulting his maps of both the realms and the stars, trying to find the mysterious young Dragon, the big question in the minds of everyone in the Realms was "Where is that Dragon?"
The funny part of that question was that only The CAT knew and he wasn't telling anyone just yet... as he sits pondering. Maybe instead of wondering where the Dragon was, everyone should be more concerned about what The CAT was pondering...
Little do they all realize, but this unique meeting could shape the entire future of both the Realm of Wymsy and the Shadows' Realm.
“You do know The CAT is my cat," Efem purred teasingly at her sister.
There had to be a special place in the Dark Troll Grotto for sisters who knew just enough on how to be annoying – but as she was family, she just had to keep her... Cornelia lovingly sighed. Oh... and she loved her younger sister but younger sisters can be such saplings. If Cornelia hadn't been there when Efem had been born, she would have sworn that the Tree Nymphs had switched her with a Changeling. As if being called ‘Corny’ wasn't bad enough, Efem also had to needle her about her cooking - some things are too much!
Hearing this Efem lit up and replied, "Yes, I am taking My cat with me." Smiling to herself because Nemmer did not even realize that he helped save her and 'win' this round. She knew that both Cornelia and her loved these little sisters' discussions for no one knew her better than her sister and that their love for each other ran very root deep.
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025