As a herbalist, Parsley would not be complete without her measuring spoons and herbal bottles of Moonflowers and mugswort. Also she carries with her a walnut mortar bowl with wooden pestle for grinding her herbs.
Parsley is a spirit of the Trees so she doesn't know when she started listening to the voices of the smaller plants and flowers.
In time, she began to understand that they needed to have someone be their voice and watch over them. No one else saw or heard the plants the way Parsley did. As a result, Parsley left the Tree Mothers and became a solitary herbalist living in a Mushroom home at the end of the Mushroom Line. The Mushroom Line is the longest line of mushrooms in the Realm. Where ever a shadow lay - a mushroom is sure to sprout, and even though their ears don’t stick out they hear everything that is happening in the woods. The entire Realm relies on the Mushroom Line for getting the latest information out to those that need-to-know and Parsley is their Telegraph Master. |