The Chicken, Golden Egg
& Peter Pan How easy it is to believe in magic when you have the childlike belief of Peter Pan. To know we can fly and take on pirates all in the same day. But the alligators get bigger as you get older and the Pirates seem to get smarter, but there is no need to become chicken. The Chicken is connected to the egg which is all about rebirth. You can redesign yourself by remembering where you come from and where you want to go. Roosters may not be able to lay an egg, but they are known for their directness energy. It can stimulate a new sense of optimism, while the egg can be a golden opportunity. In all of this, keep your sense of humor. The playfulness of Pan may be a little eccentric, but isn’t that what flying or having the magic within each of us is all about...capturing that “happy moment”. |
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