Personality Type Worksheet & Instructions
Please download the Personality Type Worksheet.
NOTE: This form works best when using the free Adobe Reader (download site) which can be downloaded on your PC, tablet, or telephone. |
The form has 72 boxes for your responses to the questions that will be asked during the audio (located below). Select the question you are answering and choose your answer from the available options of:
-2 means the statement definitely does not describe you at all
-1 means that the statement does not describe you well
0 means that the statement does not apply to you either way
1 means that the statement does describe you to some extent
2 means that the statement describes you very well
When completing your answer for question #72, please click outside of the box where you made your answer for the final answer to have the form automatically calculate the totals.
-2 means the statement definitely does not describe you at all
-1 means that the statement does not describe you well
0 means that the statement does not apply to you either way
1 means that the statement does describe you to some extent
2 means that the statement describes you very well
When completing your answer for question #72, please click outside of the box where you made your answer for the final answer to have the form automatically calculate the totals.
To receive your personality traits, select from the table below your largest number and then your next largest number from the column totals. For example if your column totals had:
Column 1 10 |
Column 2 5 |
Column 3 7 |
Column 4 -2 |
You would select column 1 as your first choice and column 3 for your second choice. So, with this example, you would then select option 1-3 in the table below.
Personality Questions
Now that you have downloaded the form and are ready - sit back and listen to the questions... and have fun!
Please remember - this is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Please remember - this is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
The questions and the personality traits are from the book The Magical Personality by Mike Leslie