According to Furnace’s journal, he had met a troll who had lived under a bridge. This troll would require any traveler wishing to cross the bridge to answer a riddle correctly. If the traveler did not, they were in danger of being eaten by the troll (unless the traveler had something else to give). Apparently hungry trolls love the taste of goat's milk and Furnace had a travel bag with some. He did not say in his journal if he answered the question correctly, but somehow he was able to spend some time with the troll since it did not have too many visitors and apparently was lonely.
I left him the goat's milk I had brought (just in case I needed it) with a promise to return and learn more about him and his kind. As I was walking back from his bridge, I did notice that several foresters were clearing away a new road towards his bridge and hopefully this lonely troll will start having new visitors that he can meet (and hopefully not eat)... I did tell the foresters that they may want to carry an extra bottle of goat's milk when working near the bridge.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines troll in two ways. As a noun, a troll is a dwarf or giant in Scandinavian folklore inhabiting caves or hills. As a verb, to search for or to antagonize others by the deliberate use of inflammatory, irrelevant, or offensive comments or other disruptive content. We will be working with the first definition (even though some of our trolls may be a little antagonistic to others...) Most scholars agree that the word 'troll' originated in Norse and Scandinavian folklore. They mention trolls as nature beings that dwell in isolated mountains, caves, or burial grounds who live together only in small family groups, and are rarely helpful to others. A troll's appearance greatly differs based on who is telling the story (Depending on those few lucky people who survived an encounter and how hungry the troll was that day). Trolls have been described as being ugly and slow-witted, or common looking and very shrewd. It is because of the lack of a definite description of appearance that trolls may appear in all forms, shapes, and sizes.
So, why our interest in trolls? It is because one was just spotted in the Realm of Wymsy. What kind of troll is it you might ask... Well, before we can answer that question, we need to talk to Passporte' to see what he has discovered about them and has written in his journals.
“Growwwlll…” “Who’s there?” he stammered. With only hearing another loud growl, he slowly starts to back away from the bushes. Just then a long snout pokes out! It was a long purplish nose that had two dark eyes above it looking back at him. Stumbling as he continued moving backward, Sprout glanced down and also saw some very large feet sticking out of the bushes. This was definitely not a tree or anything he had ever seen before!
Hungry continued, “Do you think they would share some of those delicious smelling cakes you were singing about?” Now this surprised Sprout, first a talking Dragon, but secondly, one who was wanting the same thing he wanted. “You are not going to eat me?” asked Sprout. “Do you taste good?” answered Hungry. “I normally don’t like green food. I would rather try some of the delicious smelling treats instead.” “I have never thought about if I taste good or not. I don’t think I do, so, let’s get some of the Sugar Plum Muffins instead,” he told the Dragon. “By the way, my name is Sprout. What’s yours?” “I am Hungry. You remind me of a friend of mine. Do you know Meen? I was with her before the Shadow King sent me with a Nytemare to find my teacher here in the Shadows’ Realm. I got hungry on the way and somehow lost my guide.” As Hungry’s stomach grumbled some more, louder than before this time, Sprout was starting to realize that maybe he had found someone who had a sweet tooth as big as his. “Let’s get some muffins and you can tell me more about your travels here. Maybe Meen will come by while we are at the bakery. Sometimes we meet there before we go out for some fun,” Sprout told the Dragon as they started off to the bakery.
“It’s getting close to dinner time. I am taking you to my home to see if dinner is ready and I am sure that mom would like to meet you. Maybe she can help you find your teacher,” answered Sprout. “And maybe help me find my pillow? I really miss it…”
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025