"Dowager, I don't mean to be rude, but I don't know why a dragonfly is so important," he said when it was quiet again. The Baron realized that he should say something as his mother seemed to sometimes think that everyone else should just 'understand' what was going on.
"Maybe later, what's important is that they understand the importance of receiving a Dragonflyye," answered Griselda. "What all of you must understand is that when the Dragons were here and plentiful, there were several of the Great Fae who helped the clans keep the peace between Dragons, Fae, and the Outies after the Great Age of Befuddlement. Most of these Fae are now gone (who knows where... but we hope they are having a good time), but a few are still here in the Realms in case the peace is disturbed again." As Griselda paused, it was Awena who now spoke. "According to the ancient scrolls, the Great Fae used Dragonflyyies to send important messages to the Dragon clans. These special Dragonflyyies were one of the few creatures that could speak both to Fae and Dragons. Only the 'Outies' could not understand the messages they would deliver." Nodding her head, the Dowager continued when Awena paused. "That is correct. As a member of the Wish Dragon clan I would routinely see the Dragonflyyies delivering messages to the clan elders. I was so shocked to have one appear at the Mansion before leaving to this meeting that I almost forgot about the meeting."
Snoop pointedly asked, "What did the Dragonflyye say and who sent it!" When he realized what he had just done, blushing from embarrassment, he quickly apologized to the council and sat down but not without having his pencil out and paper ready to write it all down. "Before the interruption," Griselda glared at Snoop, who continued to shrink further into his chair, "I was about to say that the message was very short. All it said was 'They are returning' and it was signed Aralt the Herald." "Dowager, who is returning and who is Aralt?" Queen Ffion asked as she was just as confused as the others in the council chamber. "That my dear, is a long tale that I need to tell all of you so everyone understands the dangers that are coming to the Realms. It all began when Goodie4U appeared before me while I was enjoying my favorite tea..."
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The Baron sat on the left of his mother, the Dowager Griselda, while Awena was on her right side at the front of the room. Everyone else gave respect due to the new royalty of the Realm - the new Queen Ffion and Troll King Dulbbe, who sat facing towards the head table wondering what this meeting could be about. The Gooblin King was not into protocol. He preferred to sit off in the grey hidden shadows of the back of the room observing what was going on. He told others that he preferred to be off to himself, but most believed it was because he couldn't stand all the bright lights.
In the section reserved for the minions (so they could be called upon to deliver edicts from the council) Arnie had taken one of the seats because she had never sat at council before. It's not like a 'Borrower' is invited to many functions since they have a tendency to 'find' things that they take with them when they leave. Leaning over to Meen she asked in a low voice "What's so important about a dragonfly? I chase them all of the time when I am not out borrowing." Meen whispered "I am not sure if it's the same thing. It could be I suppose, but I remember once that the old King of Shadows' referred to having a relic of one posted in an ancient scroll. It was an ancient way of sending important messages when the Dragons where around."
It was that new style of cleaning she had shown to some of the other house Brownies at her last convention that he had written about. She called it 'vak-u-ming' (whatever that was). "It will never replace the broom," Snoop thought as he continued watching her clean. "There must be a meeting going to happen today," he realized when he also saw the brewing tea pot and cookies. "There sure are a lot of cookies and cups, so it must be for a full council meeting. Maybe even some VMPs (Very Magical Persons) " Snoop muttered to himself.
"At least the tea is better than what I brew at the Bellwether," Snoop thought while he slowly sipped a little. "I might have to make this cup last a long time since it doesn't appear that anyone has arrived yet but Granny Flare."
"You were right," Dulbbe said to Drat. "It was uncomfortable besides being dirty too. I don't want to have to use that route again unless we absolutely have too. I mean, I can usually see well in the dark, but not in that pitch black hole you took me through. I don't know how you did it because I could not see my hand in front of my face! And don't tell me what was making that sound when were were walking around down there... I don't even what to know who or what it was," Dulbbe finished with a shudder as he brushed his clothes with his hands. "Sorry Sire, but you did say you wanted to get here fast," Drat answered (but not before Snoop noticed that the rat had answered with a small smile on his lips). Still smiling, Drat stepped aside and motioned for his King to enter the council chamber first as he followed. "Interesting," thought Snoop. "I wonder who else will appear." Just as he said that, the coach with Queen Ffion pulled up being pulled by no less than four Nytemares. "She must have been in a hurry," he decided. "This must be important!" As Snoop continued to sip on his tea, he was able to observe several more arrivals for the meeting. There was Hewy, Hir'aeth the Gooblin King, the Goodie sisters, Awena from the Sleeping Sisters, the Baron and his mother the Dowager, and even Dewin the Wizard. All VMPs indeed! It was the last guest that appeared the made Snoop realize that he had to get into the meeting somehow. It was that young Wish Dragon who had transformed into a Moon Dragon, Drai'ochtluan. "I am glad that he likes to go by 'Dree' for short," Snoop sighed to himself. "I would have to look up the spelling every time I want to write it down."
Not realizing that Snoop meant it as a bad thing because she liked to jump everywhere, she shrugged his comment off and pulled on his sleeve again. When she thought she had his full attention, she delivered the message she was sent out with. "The Council asks if you would join them in the council chamber. They said they did not want to start without you." Snoop was flabbergasted... how did they know that is exactly where he wanted to be?
Soon the three sisters were walking on the trail to the Village on the Wall. As Goodie2shues was casting a protection spell to keep her shoes from getting dusty from the trail, she was also re-telling her sisters again the message from the Flutterby. "I wonder what could have made Griselda change the location?" Good4U asked her sisters. "Personally, I would rather have had it at the Baron's Mansion," Goodiegood said. "It is so much nicer than that chilly old Council Chamber in the village especially as the Baron's batman, Fiddlefaddle, does make such a savory cup of tea." "I am sure the Dowager had a good reason why," replied Goodie2shues. For a while afterwards they continued down the trail in silence. Each of the sisters thinking about how much could she tell the others at the meeting. It was Goodie4U who started talking first. "Sisters. It is all my fault for the meeting. As I was visiting the Outie world, I had a vision. It was the return of the Dragons."
For several more paces no one spoke, but the two youngest sisters kept turning to look at their eldest sister to see if she was going to add anything.
"But this was the strange part - when the bowl was partially empty, it looked more like a crescent shape and on the opposite side of where it was the first time, before going back to full," finished Goodiegood. "This happened several times before it stopped. When it did, I too saw a Dragon... but it wasn't Dree I don't think. It was flying in front of the moon and all I could see was an outline but it seemed smaller than Dree. As I have been thinking about it as to who this could be, then this message came from the Dowager, plus you both having seen the return of the Dragons, it is definitely a sign. The problem is that I don't know what is baking!" Goodiegood continued. As the sisters approached the village, they still had not decided amongst themselves what to tell the council or if there was a way they could control what might arise in the conversation. "This can definitely be a recipe for disaster," thought Goodiegood as she entered the council chambers after her sisters.
The one who creates the tastiest morsel that everyone thinks tastes the best is the victor in these battles (no cooks were injured in the last several battles except that time when a thrown spoon landed in the hot syrup - but that's a different story...). Plus the winner wins the opportunity to gain temporary ownership (until the next winner is proclaimed) of the magical BAKING SPOON! The Goodie sisters have had the Baking Spoon for so long now that they considered it theirs by default. It enhances their magic and allowed them to see more vividly into the future. Which at this time might be a good thing to have with all the Dragons coming back and the chaos they might be bringing too. Now is not the time to be thinking of loosing the Baking Spoon.
Both sisters take this competition very seriously as each always thinks she has the winning recipe to save the family honor and keep control of the Baking Spoon. Goodie2shues problem is that as the youngest sister she is stuck in the middle being the judge for deciding which sister has the better chance of winning the Big Food Fight challenge. But this year Goodie2shues is thinking she just might get outside help. So, can you help? Below are Goodiegood's and Goodie4U's entries into the Food Fight. Which one do you think might win for control of the Baking Spoon?
To see Goodiegood's recipe for her Apricot Ambrosia click here: https://www.misplacedolls.com/my-brambles/goodiegoods-apricot-ambrosia Now Goodie4U is not to be outdone. Being one that always knows what is good for you almost makes her somewhat cranky when she isn't listened too (A situation which Goodie2shues can testify to). Goodie4U knows her Date Delights are very tasty and also contain healthy fiber for the body too. With just dates, prunes, and coconut, these Delights are so easy to mix up that it takes very little magic to create them. To see Goodie4U's recipe for her Date Delights click here: https://www.misplacedolls.com/my-brambles/goodie4u-date-delights Will you help out Goodie2shues and still keep her sisters happy while trying to keep the Baking Spoon in the family? Leave a comment as to who you think has a chance at winning the Food Fight. Or, if you think their recipes both sound good enough to enter the final competition, do we let the Competition Judges decide, getting Goodie2shues off the hook? Plus now receiving the Dowager's emergency council meeting summons adds to the stress. Will the Food Fight be delayed or even cancelled? Not on the Goodie sisters' watch if they have anything to say about it.
The Ingredients: Dried Apricots -- Almonds -- Pineapple (in their own juice) and then she adds a little cinnamon and cardamom for the tropical zing to top them off.
Goodiegood's Apricot Ambrosia * makes approximately 30-35 balls per 32 ounce bag of apricots*
The Ingredients: 32 ounces of regular pitted dates (NOT Medjool dates unless you want it really sweet) -- coconut -- 9 ounces of pitted dried prunes. *Makes approximately 30-35 balls to the 32 ounce bag*
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
December 2024