"I am loosing my touch! Some of the biggest stories in the past several years let alone decades and I wasn't there! I didn't even know about them until afterwards," he grumbles. "And that came from one of the minions who was there when I wasn't!"
"How could this have happened?" Snoop thought as Meen went on and on about the events of the past couple of weeks that were unknown to this roving editor/reporter. Somewhere towards the end of the telling, Meen remembered what she was supposed to be doing and bounded off leaving Snoop just standing on the street corner in shock. "I must get this confirmed!" thought Snoop as he ran into the Bellwether office and hollered "Stop the Presses!"
"It was me who first reported the possibility of a Borrower finding a Dragon Tablet. I even was the first to report when the Elifant escaped!"
As he started for the door to check it out more, Snoop's unbridled curiosity took over - little did he realize that this time his story may be more than he was looking for...
There is even a local newspaper called the Bellwether that is ran by some crazy newspaper editor called 'Snoop'. But the Dowager Griselda has something truly unique as they are created from wishes. They are the Flutterbys. Which is why she is using them to call out the council for an emergency session as she wishes everyone there.
Between finding out she was a Nyte Shade and now the Queen of the Shadows' Realm, she still is trying to get her priorities established. "There is so much that I have to learn and so little time in a day," she thought to herself as she sat at her desk reading some of the material left to her by Awena. As Ffion started to turn a page, she noticed the Flutterby on the rose and smiled. She gazed on it warmly as she knew that it must be from her counselor, Griselda. Before she could even acknowledge it, the Flutterby proceeded to tell her about the emergency meeting to be held at the Village on the Wall council room. "The Dowager would never tell me 'Now' if it wasn't an emergency," Ffion thought to herself. She immediately sent for Scarlet to ready her coach with the Nytemares. They would get her there in a flash.
"Sire. I suggest that you take a break from the tediousness of your new duties and possibly retire to your chambers," Drat told King Dulbbe. At first Dulbbe only stared at Drat, but quickly he realized that Drat had something to tell him. "An outstanding idea," Dulbbe replied as he stood and preceded his counselor to his private chambers. Once inside and the door was closed, the appearance of decorum quickly disappeared. Dulbbe turned to Drat and asked, "What did I do wrong now? This being King business is a lot harder than being an accountant." "Sire, you are doing fine. Except, maybe you might want to consider growling at your subjects a little more often. It is good to keep them concerned that you might do something to them. It seemed to work wonders for your predecessor," answered Drat. "But that is not why I suggested you adjourn. As you were speaking a Flutterby arrived from the Dowager." It was then Dulbbe realized that the Flutterby had flown into his chambers when they entered and was now sitting on his shoulder. Quickly it whispered Griselda's message. "The Dowager is calling an emergency meeting of the council," the King told Drat. "Any suggestions on how to get there fast?" Drat only smiled and said, "You aren't going to like this as it is not too comfortable... but we have secret ways..."
As the Flutterby tells Granny the message, she slowly closes her cookbook. "If this meeting is what I think it is, then everyone there will need something to eat. I have never known Griselda to hold a short meeting," she ponders. "I should also probably bring that old Dragon book I got from Atian's library before he left on his trip. It will be needed I am thinking."
"I just feel he has some part to play soon," she continued. In the meantime, Goodie4U had popped home to see her sisters. About the time she started to poke her head out of her bedroom door, Goodie2shues shouted out, "I've just received a flutterby from the Dowager! She wants us to attend a council meeting immediately." "It must be important if it came from the Dowager as she is the only one that I know who uses flutterbys for messages," Goodiegood replied.
"But I need to contact Griselda, (the Dowager) as the last member of the Wish Dragon clan (Click the link to learn how the Dowager became a member of the clan). She will understand how serious this situation is, mused Goodie4U to herself. Using the portal stone that Granny Flare had given her, Goodie4U popped over to the Baron's mansion in the Village on the Wall where the Dowager was currently located.
Suddenly Goodie4U glamoured herself some suitable clothes so she could continue talking with the Dowager as she replied. "She is working on some clothes for me but she has been distracted. The Outie doesn't realize that she has created a 'Dragon portal' my lady." "Oh My!" replied the Dowager almost dropping her cup of tea. "Doesn't she know what will happen if the Dragons have a TSR (Totally Short Route) to the Realms instead of going through Customs?" the Dowager asked. "I don't know," Goodie4U answered. "I am not sure if she is aware of what happens when Dragons run unchecked like in the tale of Where every good story begins or why the Wish Dragon clan was formed. Apparently she may have never heard of these stories before." "Thank you for finding out this information," the Dowager said. "What we need to do now is call a Council meeting to determine our next step," she continued. "Pop back and get dressed. Find out what you can while I gather everyone for the meeting and then return here."
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025