About this time, the Baron started to appear around a bend in the trail and was heading right for them. "Get down, now Hungry, don't let him see you," reminded Meen. Sitting there for someone to just wander by wasn't that exciting, thought Hungry. Besides, he was starting to get hungry. As the Baron was now closer to the log, Meen decided it was time to leap out. Meen jumps from the log and lands in front of the Baron, startled he jumps back and raises his cane in defense. "What are you? Or more like, who are you?" asks the Baron. "You wouldn't be trying to get me lost now would you?" "Are you asking for directions?" smiles Meen. Whispering to Hungry, "Let's hope so, that way we can send him around in circles. Otherwise this won't be as much fun".
But, then again, it was my own people that took the Magic for granted and nearly destroyed it here in the Village. I was here when the last Dragon left and the Dragon Stones started disappearing. That is what set my itchy feet in motion, to go out and seek the Magic and to see what I could do to save it. Now I have come home to relax in my own comfortable chair and to build. I think it is time to create a home for the forgotten magical creatures I have saved... my orphans.
As I work on the body of my next character, the Baron (Bats), I need to be thinking ahead as to what he will be wearing. All of my characters are very opinionated about their clothes and I do find this hard to be their dressmaker/tailor. After all, the clothes reflect their personalities and helps to set them in time. It also aids in the story they are telling.
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
December 2024