She hadn't gotten that far before her tummy started rumbling. "It must be noon," she realized as Spite knew her stomach like clockwork. Noon is also the magical time between time, when the morning is leaving and the afternoon beginning.
Amazed on hearing her laughter echoing in this small glen, she looked harder into the mirror. It glowed brighter and suddenly she felt she should ask it a question.
So Spite did and as she concentrated, the sound of the word "Sprigg'n" popped into her head. "What the muddle puddle is that suppose to mean to me? Is this just a game - how can this word be my name?" The Mirror let out a deep sigh and continued, "Sprigging is a process. It is where the handles, spouts and embellishments are added to earthenware. You know those fancy cups that Dewin likes to drink out of with the dragon handles? To add that to his cup is called sprigging. Just like sprigging, your laughter lightens a person's burden, makes them easier to carry and embellishes the goodness in the world. So now see yourself, Sprigg'n Mac-talla ('mac-talla' is echo in Gaelic), as laughter in the wind embellishes the world so will yours. This is the name you will carry with you now," intoned the Mirror as it's magical glow faded. Humbled, the Spite sat and silently repeated her new name. "Sprigg'n Mac-talla," she finally said laughing aloud. "The mirror not only gave me a first name, I now have two!"
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"Well, this isn't getting me anywhere," she decided. That is when it hit her (not literally of course)... "The Magical Well! That's who might be able to help me," she realized.
As she neared the Magical Well, a blue glow emitted from the center. "Somebody appears to be home," the excited Spite hoped.
"Now what am I going to do with a pillow," wondered the Spite.
Spite was sitting in her favorite place by the babbling, chuckling brook. She knew this would lighten her mood as she had decided that it was time. The Wizard, Dewin, needed to know her name.
Spite knew she was unique and that she had been "born" from the sacrifice of a Wish Dragon trying to correct a great wrong. That love is partially reflected in the blue flame on her forehead but no one had been present when she was born. She had come in at a special time and was blessed with knowing what she was, but no one was there to name her. Over time the villagers and Dewin just fell into the habit of calling her Spite.
There is just so much to do in order to get ready for my big debut! First there is the brushing and styling of my hair. I know I should be paying attention but there is always something to distract me. Did you see my pretty wings? There has been a lot of designing that went into them so I could have the perfect ones for me. But then "mom" decided to change the color of them as she said that bluer tones would be better for my coloring. But we aren't done yet. There is still the dress to finish and the donning of my magical shoes before I can be presented. "Mom" is also trying to pull together the project so you can see more about the process, so keep tuned for that coming out next week too.
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025