"The reports indicate that another Troll helped the Wish Dragon Sire. I suggest that you maybe can smooze him. He apparently has a close association to one of the Sleeping Sisters," grinned Drat. "If you can try a little of your knavery..." "I don't knave" glared Druzzy. "I educate. There is a difference you know. Can I help it if my charm and good naturedness gives me the best of the bargain?" "So sorry Sire. If you 'convince' this Troll that your best intentions are for the Wish Dragon and building its trust for Trolls, maybe he can help us get closer to the Token." "What is the Troll's name?" asked Druzzy as he started pondering his scheme (err... I mean plan).
As Drat was leaving, his sensitive ears picked up the Kings mumblings. "I wonder where did he find that gem bigger than mine and how he crashed my party with it..."
"Get on with it Drat. I know about all that stuff. Tell me about 'you know'," growled Druzzy. "Jump to the good stuff!" "Yes your majesty. It appears with the reappearance of the Wish Dragons, that maybe you might finally be able to add to your collection of magical artifacts. It appears that the Wish Dragon, named Hungry, does not seem to be aware of the item and thinks that a Dragon's Token is trust. You might be able to use that when dealing with him." "Very interesting... Of course I am trust worthy... as long as you read the fine print on the contract. Won't the Dragon's Token make a fine addition to my collection Drat?" said the King, not really waiting for an answer. "The Sleeping Sisters have it hidden away somewhere and now maybe, with the help of this young Dragon, I can get it before another annoying collector beats me to it." "Do you mean," began the Rat before he was interrupted. "Don't say that name!" growled Druzzy. "He's irritating enough on his own without you saying his name."
Having an artistic/crafty mother I certainly did dabble in a lot of different things growing up but this one technique really "sparked" my interest. It is the one style of creating that I go back to over and over whenever I can. It even got me an "A" in my sculpting class when I couldn't afford bronze in college (*lol*). So, enjoy this short video on the process of making the Troll King's Crown. Please keep in mind all the safety procedures and precautions required when working with an open flame if you should try this yourself.
I do research when making the outfits because I need to know the reasons behind what things I use in costumes... even down to why certain colors. So begins my thoughts of since he is royalty, should he be in red? But red wouldn't work with the hair coloring I am leaning towards, so what other royal color is there?... Why purple of course! Which when I went to research more about this I now see why it is my favorite color. A couple of interesting facts (some I knew and some I didn't) about the royal color of purple.
So, with this research, I have decided my Troll King will be dressed in purple. Also being inspired by all the visual materials I saw while reading for my research, I decided to start at the top and work my way down for this king needs a gaudy crown (I do believe).
Oh no!..Naked body running through! Close your eyes quick!!! |
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025