With the Outies finally sprucing up the yard and finishing some badly needed infrastructure, the garden was looking pretty good indeed. And what better way to celebrate than with a Gnome Race. The King and Queen had decided it could be done with the right timing to keep themselves hidden from the Outies and still have their fun too. Of course everyone would need to be invited and the event would have to be carefully planned. The Gnomes certainly didn't want to catch the Outies watching them. So spreading out the activities and events would certainly be the answer. Soon preparations were all made and the day of the Race was here.
It was the frog! What a leap of faith he had taken by jumping that greenery - hoping it would put him out in front of the race! Seeing that the rest of the racers were well behind him, the frog racer thought for sure he would now win this race. Bearing down upon the frog rider the rabbit and the squirrel racers were soon neck to neck and coming up fast right behind him. They were just making it around the first judge's turn --making it too soon to tell yet who could win. There it was - the red arrow marking the second turn. As the racers flew past the second judge, the goose racer let out a large "honk" as if signaling to pass. This, of course, the made the squirrel go a little nuts. Which gave the rabbit the lead just by a hare (oops... meant hair) as they were racing down the last leg of the race course. As they turned the final corner, they were surprised to see the frog racer not hopping to it anymore. He had wore himself out from his last great leap! He was toad-a-ly exhausted. Quickly the rabbit raced past him, followed closely by the squirrel and then the goose (being goosed by his rider), leaving him in the rear. But wait! Where is the racing turtle? Knowing that he could not outrun the others, he had found a shortcut and was almost at the finish line when the rabbit crossed first. The turtle wasn't there to win... he was there to have a good time and be a part of the shell-ebration! So off to the shell-ebration they went. And like all great events, hare (here) today and gone tomorrow, or at least for another year.
Isn't it fun to imagine what might be happening in your back yard when you are not there?
Everyone knows that the Mushroom Line is the most reliable information chain in the Shadows' Realm especially since Parsley was appointed the Telegraph Master. At the moment though the telegraph master was drinking tea and laughing with tears rolling from her eyes. While Parsley was laughing, Efem was getting a little steamed. She was not happy with the apparent lack of progress in finding the Wish Dragon and she wanted answers now! "Parsley! How can you sit there laughing when we have an emergency building? What could be so funny that you would forget why we are even here?" Efem growled as she scowled at Parsley. As Efem vented, Cornelia continued to sit quietly in the corner of the room, sipping her tea, knowing that something better happen soon or her sister was going to boil over. Gasping for breath Parsley answered, "The mushrooms are telling me that we are going to have a stranger soon arriving. (Taking another deep breath.) Plus my son will be with him," Parsley slowly replied.
Efem turned to Cornelia to see if she understood and then turned back to Parsley - continuing to looked confused. "What is Parsley talking about?" thought Efem. Then there was a snicker and then finally Cornelia started to laugh out loud too. Which only made Efem a little madder. "What is it that I am missing?" she demanded from them. "Don't you get it? Hungry?" At first Efem just looked at the two as if they were losing it... then the light came on. The young Wish Dragon's name was Hungry... Finally a small smile did appear as she just shook her head, wondering how she got stuck with a sister like Cornelia and a friend like Parsley. Then as she joined in the joke knowing that she was indeed lucky, and feeling happy, she glowed even brighter.
I was asked last week what was my favorite part of dollmaking. Was it the painting, the sculpting, the costuming? I had to say no... it wasn't any of those. My favorite part is the inspiration.
She shared clues about her name with me pretty early on in our "connection". Though I love some of the more colorful suggestions, I felt there was the option of only two but I just couldn't decide as to which one. It was then when she told me that I did not have to choose as she was both. Her name is Awena Buttorfleoge.
It was a difficult choice for her to make in joining the guild as at the time she thought she had just met the person (more like the troll) she was to be with. But the Fates had another path she was to walk. It is these little twists of inspiration that make the characters come to life for me! This is where I enjoy the dollmaking - at the beginning of the path. When they first awaken a spark of magic within me. I want to then capture them and bring them to life, helping them to tell their story. So as I keep working through all of their stages of transformation (much like the metamorphosis of a butterfly), they reveal to me a little more about themselves - feeding my inspiration each step of the way.
Again, realizing that he still did not have any music for the festival written, Hewy continued wandering around the village for an inspiration. Occasionally he just stopped and listened to youngsters singing or the sounds being made by those still preparing for the celebration. Normally the sounds of each day would inspire his melodies, but for some reason, today it was not.
"Oh, I see that you got a Petal Post. My mom gets those too," Sprout said as he broke off a piece of the muffin and stuffed it into his mouth.
And with a nod, Hewy decided that today's music writing would have wait. He had to know what the Petal Post said and if the message was truly for him. "Will you take me to your mother?" he asked Sprout.
"Sure. I should be able to have the muffin gone long before we get there and if we start now, we could be in time for dinner!" Sprout replied as he started to eat another piece of the rapidly shrinking muffin. |
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025