"Very good sir," Fiddlefaddle answered as he left the room while the others looked around the room to figure out where to sit. Dree went straight to the pile of pillows that the Dowager now left out for him when he visited, Drat sat in a chair closest to the doorway (as was his habit since he always was watching for escape routes), as Arnie nervously stood not knowing where she should sit as rarely was a 'Borrower' invited into such an elegant room. The Dowager had been watching her since they had entered the room and had quickly realized the situation. "Sit down here besides me dear," she told Arnie. "You are welcome in our home for you are one of our friends now." As Arnie warily moved to the indicated chair and began to sit, the Dowagers question really surprised her. Enough to make her stand back up!
When word gets out, I think you will be very busy." As Drat had been listening to the conversation (as again was his habit of eavesdropping which was one of the requirements of his job for the Troll King), he noticed a couple of small tears forming in the former Borrower's eyes before she sat down near the Dowager. The Dowager's question did not get an answer, but Arnie did say 'thank you' very quietly. "As we wait for the tea and snacks, who wants to tell us what happened with Hir'aeth?" asked the Baron as he looked over to address Drat. "By the way Drat, King Dulbbe has already told us about your mission and is on his way here to meet with you." Nodding his head in acknowledgement, the rat (as well as Arnie) both looked over at Dree to see if he would start. Feeling their gaze, the dragon smiled to himself and began the tale of their adventure. "Drat and I asked Arnie to join us as we figured having a professional 'finder' would improve our chances. It did and without her we may never have had an audience with the Gooblin King." As the tea and cookies arrived, Dree went on to tell of how they met with the King, was granted a favor by him for a favor to be repaid later, and the discovery of the 'scroll'. "Have you read the scroll?" asked the Baron when Dree was finished. "That is the problem," the Dragon replied. "It is not a scroll but a device that only I can hear when I ask it questions." Now that did surprise everyone since Dree had not told his traveling companions either. "You mean you have been talking to it since we found it," asked Drat. "Well... Yes and no. It talked to me when we entered the last treasure room with the Gooblin King. It was a voice that came to me telling me what to say to Hir'aeth. It wasn't until later that I realized that only I could hear it," answered the Wish Dragon. "I did not want you both to think I was going loony and talking to myself until I got the chance to figure what was going on." "And what have you figured out," asked the Dowager. It took a minute before Dree responded since he wanted to be precise but was still slightly reluctant to tell everyone everything since he was not sure about some of it himself. "It appears the device was made by the only other Moon Dragon to have existed. It was told to remember everything it had seen or heard from when it was with the Moon Dragon and after they were separated. I still don't know what happened to the other Moon Dragon and I have not had a chance to ask IT about by my kin who departed this realm," answered Dree.
"I've got to send a message," she decided as she finished her packing and started to put her traveling bag over her shoulders. "Perfect for the job," she mutters as she adjusts the straps to her pack but then begins to lean backward a little too much. "Maybe I should take a few things out," she realizes as she finds out that the pack is so heavy that she cannot stand up straight... Meanwhile, Drat and Dree are sitting at a table outside of the Sugar Plum Bakery waiting for Arnie to arrive. "I heard a new one the other day," began Drat. "It goes like this... How may leprechauns does it take to empty a pot of gold?" Shaking his head from side to side, Dree answers, "I don't know. How many does it take?"
It was then that Arnie arrived with her friend Squirrel. Squirrel didn't stay long after Arnie ordered their snacks and everyone was told about the trip to the Outie world and the squirrel there. "If you only could see the look of frustration on that Outie's face when the other squirrel dived from the top of the tree and landed on the feeder... it was priceless!" laughed Arnie. "I could not have done better myself." When Squirrel left, Drat decided it was time to get back to business. "Arnie, we need your help. The Gooblin King has a scroll that we need to read. He doesn't know he has it and it can hide itself from anyone who wants to harm Dragons. We also know that it will take a Dragon to help find it otherwise it hides from anyone seeking its power." "Arnie, this is important to all in the Realms. We must know what the other Dragons, and most especially Siate', are going to do now that they have returned. We are only going to read the scroll - we are not going to take it. The hard part here will be just to find it..." "Finding stuff is my specialty," Arnie mused to herself. It sounded like fun to her and in the back of Arnie's thoughts, it also may be a way to get others to accept her as she was beginning to enjoy being included by others and not always having to be a loner. "Everyone looses things," she thought. "Maybe I need to become a finder of lost things instead of a 'Borrower' of others things." "When do we start?" was her answer to her new adventure companions.
Standing up and walking around the library she slowly made her way over to the wall that held ancient scrolls. The very old ones were stacked on the shelves, written down before Snoop brought in his magical machines that made printing possible into the now familiar book format. "Maybe I can find one about who this herald is that calls himself Aralt," mused Griselda. She started scanning and looking through several of the old scrolls until she found one that was still rolled up and sealed with an unbroken golden seal. She could feel the magic within the scroll as she touched it and especially behind the seal when she ran her fingers over it. "I have heard about these types of seals," whispered Griselda in awe for actually seeing one herself as she was unaware her son had one in the library. "It's to keep the scroll in mint condition for future generations so as to not lose the knowledge within." Deciding that it was time the scroll be read, the Dowager broke the seal. As she did, she felt the powerful magic released seeping into the room. Time started to fade away and she was transported back to where the scroll began.
"Something always seems to happen to my friends and it's because of me," the Dragon sniffled. "Even my Spite (The CAT) was taken," he cried silently to himself. "I should leave but where would I go?" the Dragon was thinking just before the tingling came over him. Just like Ffion, the tingling started in his claws but was soon spreading over his entire body. "What is this?" he thought. Was it something else that would take away another one of his friends? Almost as soon as it started, the tingling stopped and the Dragon was himself again. "I need to be going now before something else happens," he told himself and started for the doors. He had only taken a couple of steps before he was blocked by the Goodie sisters. They had been watching him as if they already knew that he was going to leave. "Excuse me," he said as he tried to get around one of them to leave, but they kept finding some way to always be in front of him.
Releasing the Dragon's paw, Goodie4U continued where her sister left off. "The prophecy told of two outcomes. One for good and the other for evil. The sacrifice of magic from a Nyte Shade was what was required for the mixture (transformation) to be complete. Your father offered himself when we thought it would be from you, but in doing so, he also gave both you and Hungry (his old self) a great gift." As Goodie4U paused, Goodie2shues continued. "You and Hungry have been magically joined just as a dragon was when a Nyte Shade sacrificed her powers to her friend. This is what created the first magical Dragon. We were not sure at first if the ingredients would mix (the joining), but when we saw both of you a few minutes ago surrounded by the blue aura, we knew it had happened." Before the Queen or the Newborn Dragon could ask what it all meant, Goodiegood again spoke. "My Queen, as both you and the Dragon's powers grow you will both find that future events will need the two of you jelling together. What those events will be, we cannot say," as she looked at both Ffion and the Dragon, " but you also both share the magical powers of the moonflowers." Now they were even more confused than before!!! "We really don't understand what you just said," started the Dragon, but before he could finish the sentence Ffion did. "What you are telling us is that we are magically joined?" finishing the sentence. Startled, the Queen and the Dragon looked at each other. As one started to speak, the other would either nod their head yes or no. Each one knew what the other would say.
Realizing that another crisis was over, the Goodie sisters smiled at each other and started leaving to return to their cottage. Before they could get to the door, this time the Dragon stopped them. "Before you go, can you at least tell me what happened to me? What am I?" he asked the sisters. "Why you are one of the most powerful Dragons ever known. Your transformation has changed you from being just a Wish Dragon but to a Moon Dragon," Goodiegood told him. "As Hunter told you that if you ate the blue rose you would no longer be 'hungry'. He did not mean that you would not want to eat, he meant that you will change and become someone greater. You are now Drai'ochtluan (pronounced - dree-ach-loo-am), the Magic Moon." "Cool!" replied the Dragon, "but I think I like to be just Dree to my friends", winking at the sisters and Ffion.
Gently he sat her on one of padded chairs to recover as Awena continued. "The question is, what do we do now?" It seemed that no one had an answer. Finally it was the newly re-born Dragon who spoke. "It's all my fault," he said with a tear in his eye. "If it wasn't for me none of this would have happened." "Nonsense! Now listen everyone... this was but one of two possible outcomes from the moment the Dragon tablet was found. With what it foretold would happen long ago, I am glad for one that goodness prevailed," said Goodiegood. "It could have gone either with a new beginning or a recipe for despair and the ending of the Realm. We should rejoice that the Shadows' King gave us a new beginning!" Realizing that the Goodie sister was right, the Dowager decided it was time to start that beginning. "Goodiegood is right. The proper time for mourning will come when we know for sure that those who entered the portal are truly gone."
Both surprised and flustered, at first Ffion did not know what to say. Seeing everyone bowing was a shock to her. "This is an honor for my father, not me," she thought. It is when she looked at Hir'aeth looking at her and seeing him nod his head is when she realized that she would have to make some decisions - she was now the Queen of the Shadows' Realm! Slowly raising from the chair, she started to speak but it came out more like a squeak. After taking a breath and a few swallows (which also gave her another second to gather her thoughts) she began. "I thank you all for your allegiance and your good wishes. In the absence of the King, I will do my best to keep our Realm prospering. My first acts are to make the Dowager Griselda one of my advisors and as my father had requested that Awena of the Sleeping Sisters be the royal tutor." Deciding this would be the best time for him to act, the Gooblin King waited until the Princess (" I must remember she is the Queen now," thought Hir'aeth) had finished - he made his move. "Queen Ffion. With the absence of the Troll King, someone should take his place to guide his kingdom. As the nearest monarch, I offer my services until his return." "Ah... the politics begins," muttered the Dowager. As she was sitting near Ffion, it was only the new queen that heard her. Being raised in a royal household, the new queen smiled to herself as she had learned quickly what to do from the many times of watching her father. "Oh great King. I thank you for the offer of your service, but another has already been selected to replace the Troll King. A distant relative of Druzzy is already here in the room. Hewy, I ask if you will be the acting Troll King until his return?" Ffion said as she looked at the startled troll.
"It must be Dulbbe!" she whispered so that only the Queen would hear. Shocked at hear this, Ffion turned to look at Dulbbe who was still bowing and looking at the floor. "Dulbbe, is this true?" she asked. "Yes my Queen. It is. I am the younger brother of King Druzzy," the troll answered, still not taking his eyes off of the floor. "Your father knew but he told me when he made me the keeper of his accounts that it was because of my skills with numbers and not because of who I was. That is why I told no one else. Hewy, being a troll knew because he often would perform at the Troll King's events and would see me there with my brother." This revelation surprised even the Gooblin King, but before he could speak again, the Queen asked her question now to Dulbbe. "Will you be the acting Troll King until his return?" Not wanting to let her down and only now partially realizing that as a King he might actually have a chance at winning her heart, Dulbbe finally looked up at her as he told her "Yes, I will do as you ask." At this announcement the crowd began to stand and clap as Dulbbe walked to Hewy and shook his hand, while Hewy, being the only other troll in the group, bowed to his new sovereign. "Ahh, the fun begins anew," smiled the Gooblin King wondering how this adversary will 'add up' (accountant humor). It was during the clapping and applause that the new Queen noticed a feeling that she had not felt before. It first started as a tingling at her fingers which soon was covering her whole body like the magic that flowed through her when she was at the Goodies cottage. Soon the others in the room also saw the glow forming around her as the room became quiet. As all eyes were looking at her, one set of eyes was watching another who was having the same issue. "As the prophecy stated - forever joined by the sacrifice of magic will they be," smiled Goodie4U as the glow slowly disappeared around Queen Ffion and the new Moon Dragon.
"This is where we see if the recipe is right," answered the Goodie sister, "and if all goes well, the Wish Dragon will have undergone a transformation. This is rare and if enough magic is not released to finish the recipe, then the mixture will fail." It was then that enough of the haze had disappeared that everyone could see what was happening inside the egg. Both Hunter and The CAT were standing near the Wish Dragon, but the little Dragon had changed. Hungry had grown and turned blue! From the top of his head to the bottom of his claws - even his eyes were now a shade of blue. As most were looking at Hungry, it was the Goodie sisters that noticed the small magical portal opening behind the Dragon. "It will need more magic," each of the Goodie Sisters thought, but it would take more than they possessed to finish the transformation.
He had been watching Ffion through the crystal egg and already saw that his beloved daughter was approaching closer to the egg with the blue lights glowing around her. It was the time for him to act or lose his daughter forever. There had never been a choice, he knew what he must do. Stepping to the edge of the crystal egg, he started pushing his magic into it! Slowly, as as his magic swirled around in a circle, it began to expand... larger... and larger... and finally large enough to reach his hand through it. "Daughter, a young fae sacrificed herself to give magic to the dragons, I will not have you do the same," pleaded the King to Ffion. He reached out his hand taking hers. As soon as that happened the blue lights flowed into Hunter's hand turning him blue. "Hungry," Hunter told the Wish Dragon, "The Portal requires magic for magic. This was what was required for the young fae that first gave her magic to the dragons and why I told you the tale. When I step through the portal it will finish your transformation and begin your destiny. If I don't, you and the magic in the Realm will perish!"
"Ah, that's where the Dragon tablet went," thought Dulbbe as he stood behind Ffion's with one hand keeping her from going to the portal. For when the portal appeared, she had been slowly pulled towards it. If it wasn't for Dulbbe holding her back while the King held her hand, by this point she too might have entered it with the Dragon. "No! You can't have it!" yelled Druzzy. "I need it for my revenge," he screamed as he continued to cling to his crown with the Dragon tablet hidden inside as it pulled him towards the egg. Even the Gooblin King was startled by what was happening. "Let it go Druzzy," hollered Hir'aeth. "It's just a thing... let it go!" Glaring at the Gooblin King, Druzzy just smiled as he continued to clutch his crown, "Don't you wish. I will win this round!" It was then that three things happened all in a blink of a Dragon's eye. The Shadows' King let go of Ffion's hand and with a wave pulled the Dragon tablet towards him. He then stepped through the portal with the tablet following him... with a Troll King still holding on while the crystal egg shattered in a bright glittering glow like fireflies dancing in the evening. As Druzzy was being pulled into the portal, grabbing anything to stop the pull of the King, he grabbed The CAT's tail which pulled the CAT in as well. As Ffion watched her father, she saw him giving her one final look as he whispered "I love you" as the blinding flash occurred.
"Hungry," Hunter whispered to the little dragon, "Don't be afraid as I am here to help you." The king continued, "First, let me tell you a story about how dragons got their terrific powers... where it all started..." As the Shadows' King told Hungry how a Nyte Shade had given her powers to her dragon friend he also was trying to keep the Dragon calm so that he would not realize that the two of them were subtly changing and trapped inside of a large crystal. As the tale was being told, the Troll King, Druzzy, was standing by a tree and thinking of ways to get out of the garden with the Dragon tablet he had hidden under his crown.
The problem was he did not know which one did and a lowly bookkeeper does not accuse a King of taking something. "I will have to make sure neither leave with it before this is over," he realized. Making sure of how to do that was simple he quickly decided. Walking over to the Gooblin King he whispered, "Did you notice how King Druzzy keeps looking around. I wonder what he is up to." This started the Gooblin King to watch the Troll King even more than normal. "Now all I have to do is keep an eye on the Gooblin King," thought Dulbbe, "since then he will be watching the Troll King." By the time Hunter finishes his tale to Hungry, the Goodies had returned and were beginning their ritual with Ffion and The CAT. It is then that the Wish Dragon realized he was trapped inside of a crystal cocoon surrounded in a blue mist. At first startled, he stood up hitting his head. That is when the crack appeared throwing off the Goodie's spell and causing the release of the blue ooze. "Ouch!" Hungry yelled as he reached for the top of his head. Trying not to smile, Hunter took one of Hungry's hands and told him to relax. "This crystal shell will not last much longer. Look, there is already a crack in it," Hunter said as he pointed to the crack. As they were looking at it, something else started to appear inside of the crystal with them. Whatever it was looked like it had been stretched quite thin and shoved through the small crack. As they both moved back as far as they could, The CAT appeared (not looking too pleased ) in front of them. "I don't ever want to do that again!" The CAT growled when he fully materialized. Happy that his Spite was with him, Hungry moved up to give The CAT a hug. Too surprised to get away, The CAT let the Wish Dragon hug him (but only briefly) before telling him that was enough. "Not in front of the King," he whispered in Hungry's ear as he was being squeezed. Hunter only watched them, trying to hide his sad smile, before either saw it. "If things go right, then you two will be both be changed forever," thought the King. Also knowing that if things did not go right, all of them would be changed forever but not in a way each would have liked... Outside of the crystal and in the garden, Ffion, the Goodie sisters, and Hewy have joined hands as Hewy begins to sing. Soon, the others joined the circle and as the music became louder, everyone was holding hands and singing as they circled the large blue glowing crystal. Even Druzzy had to join in as Hir'aeth had grabbed his hand so he could not disappear. Inside the crystal, The CAT, having the keenest of hearing, all of a sudden perked up his ears. "Do you hear that?" he asked the others. Before they could answer he continued, "Hewy is singing." In a minute all three of them could hear the singing since it no longer was just Hewy. "It sounds like a whole bunch of Twitter Birds," thought the Dragon and he soon was tapping his foot to the beat of the music. Things were going along smoothly until Hungry accidently tapped too hard - on The CAT's tail! Leaping into the air, The CAT startled Hungry who stood up completely and again hit his head on the crystal ceiling in their cocoon causing the crack to start getting even bigger and spreading.
As Goodiegood regains her balance she notices Goodie2shues off to her right but can't see her other sister. "Where is Goodie4U?" she yells to her sister Goodie2shues. The youngest sister shaking her head as she is still confused by what has happened with their spell, shrugs her shoulders and just looks at her sister. Realizing that she doesn't know either, Goodiegood continued, "We have to get these blue flames under control for if they spread to those helping us here, it will drive them into become Creatures of Chaos!" As the two sisters were trying to decide what to do, the blue flames starts to flow from the cracked crystal and slowly spreading out landing on the others in the garden. Soon it is in their hair, gliding over their feet, and starting to creep up their legs which starts them to snarl and growl at each other. As the blue flames continue to spread, Goodie4U appears from across the garden. She has noticed that it appeared that her sisters were still unaffected by the blue flame but it would only be a matter of time before that would change. Deciding to take the chance, she starts walking very fast toward them. She couldn't run to their side as she was holding the solution to the problem and didn't want to drop it. "It was a good thing that I listen to my dreams," thought Goodie4U, "when I saw something like this was going to happen." Since the second Goodie sister had the good luck to know what might happen at this ritual from her dream, she had already stashed away what she needed in order to beat out the flames of Chaos. "One of the most frustrating parts of being a Seer is that one must keep quiet about the future and let it play out in order not to change the events," Goodie4U grumbled to herself.
As Goodie4U approaches her sisters with the cake in her hands, calmly she tells them, "This is a Moonflower cake that we can use to fight off the 'moon sickness' that had escaped from the cracked crystal and has begun to infect everyone." Quickly all the Goodie sisters start slicing and serving. Once everyone had eaten a bite and were no longer hangry (a combination of angry and hungry), they all turned to the Sisters for guidance. Goodiegood, as the eldest sister, spoke first. "We have gone down into the belly of Chaos and overcame it. The prophecy of the Realm being destroyed has passed, but we still have a new life needing our help to come forth for the wellbeing of our Realm." As soon as Goodiegood finished, Goodie2shues turns to Hewy and continues. "Hewy, please sing your song of hope as this is a time of renewal for all of us."
"We need to hurry!" replied Goodieg2shues. "Go grab him!" "Him??? Him who," thought The CAT who had been prowling around the edge of the garden, wondering about the magical mayhem that was going on here. He had felt the energy shift and no longer could feel Hungry, the little Wish Dragon. Being the Spite of a Wish Dragon was still a new experience for The CAT. It took another Spite, Sprigg'n Mac-talla, to teach him that as a Spite he was supposed to watch out and help (well maybe not quite as much) keep his Dragon out of trouble. Again, wondering why he could not feel Hungry, is when Goodiegood ran up to him and grabbed his paw. Goodiegood looked into The CAT's eyes and said, "Hungry needs you now like never before. You are that missing ingredient. We can't save him without you." "Do WHAT???" replied The CAT. "You are Hungry's Spite and we need you to help finish the ritual we began with Ffion at the cottage. You are all connected," Goodiegood answered. As The CAT was deciding, Goodie4U is shouting over all the chatter that the rest of the crowd is making in their confusion of trying to understand what is happening. Only one is not saying anything, Druzzy, the Troll King. He has been standing in the background trying to figure a way out of the garden without anyone noticing him leave since he was still hiding the forgotten Dragon tablet under his crown. "I have got to get this tablet away from here," he was telling himself. "The power it will give me!" "We need to finish this ritual that began with the Dragon tablet and the Shadows' King before it's too late. Hewy, you know the music you need to sing. Feel it inside and let it flow around us." Goodiegood directed Ffion, her sisters, and The CAT to stand around the Crystal Egg. As they joined hands, the egg started to crack a little more. "Hurry Hewy with the music, it will calm the beast inside," Goodiegood yelled back to the Troll who was still trying to figure out what he would sing.
"The blue ooze is chaos," yelled Goodiegood as her ears were still ringing from the spell exploding, "and if it spreads it will contaminate the others and turn them into crazy mad creatures!" "There must be some way to fix this!" Goodie2shues yelled back. "Where is Goodie4U?" she continued. Since Goodie4U is the sister who knows "what" is going to happen when she is 'seeing'... do you think she might have cooked up a way of fixing this???
Off to one side was Hewy, the Troll, who was busy giving the Gooblin King, Hir'aeth, the evil eye as the Gooblin King wondered to himself where had Druzzy, the Troll King, snuck off too? Efem, the Tree Mother, was huddled with Dewin by a small bench and waving her hands in the air trying to make a point as she tried to get his complete attention. While Dewin was trying also to see where the Troll King had wondered off as well as try to keep one ear open to listen to Efem. Things were certainly tense and confusing. It was then, as Goodiegood was looking around at everyone, that she noticed the large crystal-like egg in the the middle of the garden. "I doubt that has been here very long," she asked without expecting much of an answer. She realized what it was as she looked closer seeing something blue swirling around inside of it. Turning to her sisters she said, "It looks like what we feared has happened. The Prophesy has begun with the Last Wish Dragon being lost. Now we must find out who sacrificed their magic for this to have happened." As the three sisters started looking around the garden to see who might be missing from the vision they had earlier, Goodie2shues finally hollered to the crowd, "Everyone! We don't have much time so listen up! We need to talk to Ffion or the Shadows' King. Does anyone know where they are?" When the Dowager finished, Goodie4u mumbled loud enough for only her sisters to hear, "Now we know who sacrificed their power, as the King and Ffion being Nyte Shades are the only two beings strong enough to give up their power and not be swayed by the Darkness or Greed." Realizing that speed was now needed, Goodie2shues spoke again to the crowd. "We need to speak to Ffion immediately! The Realm depends on it!"
As her sisters disappeared, Goodiegood quietly mumbled to herself, "The best thing we can do now is get Ffion back to our place so we can whip up our 'Surrogare' recipe before this egg fully hatches. The Ntyemares are the best choice to fly us home in time." As the other two sisters flew off to do her bidding, Goodiegood thought about trying to explain to Awena and the Dowager what was happening, but there just wasn't enough time. All she could do was shout out "Trust ME!" as she ran to follow her sisters.
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025