What was special about this year's celebration was that the Baron and his mother, the dowager Griselda, were hosting the Harvest Event at the Baron's Mansion. As the Baron was discussing the seating arrangements with Snoop since both were nobility in their own ways, the dowager was directing their servants Fiddlefaddle and Sneefle in their duties. "Now don't forget, today you will be serving our guests more than you will be catering to my son's or my needs," she reminded them over and over again.
Meanwhile, Granny Flare was busy in the kitchens in the back of the mansion making sure that everything would be ready for the feast. As she checked each item as it was prepared, Gardner was bringing in the fresh vegetables and fruit that he had grown specially for just this occasion. "Here is the last of it," he told Granny as he set the heavy crate down on the kitchen floor. "Is there anything else you need brought in?" he asked as he stood besides a large boiling pot and enjoying the wonderous aroma that it was making. Granny just smiled as she gave him a couple of the hot pumpkin spice cookies that had just come out of an oven and shooed him outside as she told him to come back in a couple of hours. "By then I will know if I need anything else," she told him.
In the grand ballroom Efem, Cornelia, Parsley, and Nemmer were busy cleaning and setting up the decorations. The dusty mytes were being extra careful (and under the watchful eye of Nemmer) to only suck in the dust as they cleaned instead of blowing any out. "All we need is for them to make everyone forget today," Nemmer thought as he kept one eye on them while he was helping with the decorations. And finally, there were many more helping outside in preparing for the arrival of those who were invited. Since everyone in the Realm was on the guest list except for the Wysps (who would show up invited or not if whoever held the leadership stick felt like it), that meant that a lot of chairs, tables, and tenting was needing to be setup. Dewin, the wizard, was using his magic to have the folding chairs unfold and stand up where he directed while Scarlet was watching over the Nytemares as they dragged in the tables and large tents. So, as all of those who live in the Realm of Wymsy prepare for this thanksgiving feast, we at MisPlace Dolls would like to thank all of you on this Thanksgiving Holiday as we come together to celebrate. Happy Thanksgiving!
This was not just any cave, Snoop was off to visit. It was the home of Dewin the Wizard. Since the "news" Sprigg'n shared with Snoop was astronomical, it seem a good idea to check another source. "I hope this isn't a wild duck chase," pondered the newsman. "I have a paper to get out, but if it is something, I will be delighted with this big scoop!" Deciding that the hike to the cave would still be worth the story, he continued on until he was almost to the entrance. Snoop didn't even have to knock since Dewin was already outside setting up some strange contraption on some sticks. From a distance it looked like three sticks tied together at one end creating a tripod and he had some long tube attached to the top. "I wonder what he is doing," mumbled Snoop to himself. It was while Snoop was approaching the wizard that without looking up from what he was doing that Dewin called out to him. "Hello, Augustus. I take it that the Spite... oops, I mean Sprigg'n... told you about what was coming?" Surprised, Snoop stopped near the contraption while noticing that Dewin was now busy turning dials and looking through a small hole in the side of the tube that was indeed mounted to three sticks. "Not really," answered Snoop. "All Sprigg'n told me was that some strange and powerful magic was coming and that you were trying to capture it since it will only be here once every 1000 years." "Well, Sprigg'n is partially right. A solar eclipse happens much more frequently than that, but it won't be for another 1000 years before we are in the path of a total eclipse, especially during a new moon" answered the wizard. Seeing Snoop's look of confusion, he continued explaining. "A total solar eclipse is when the sun is fully blocked by the moon and the land will turn dark for about 10 minutes. The animals that normally come out only in the dark will be confused and those expecting sunlight will wonder what is happening. I have seen it long ago from where I came from and there the eclipse even drove normal people crazy with fear." "Now this is a story indeed," realized Snoop. "Tell me more and what is that thing you have there?" he asked Dewin.
"But why would you want to?" asked Snoop. "I will be able to see the sun go out. Couldn't I look at it then?" Dewin thought about this question and told Snoop that even when the sun is totally blocked out, it is always good to use eye protection. Especially because Dewin wanted to watch the entire process from start to finish. "It is something that rarely happens and I want to see it all so that I can study it. It is something rare and the magical energy that will be produced will be very powerful. I am hoping to capture some of that magic and bottle it!"
"What are we to do now?" replied one member followed by "What do you think he will look like?" from another council member. In the middle of all this chaotic noise, Fiddlefaddle leaned over towards the Baron. Being the Baron's all around handy man and procurator of travel arrangements he quietly asked, "Do you know where he will be staying since we don't have what the Outies call a hotel here in our small village?" With that small question, the noise stopped instantly in the council chamber that one could have heard a pin drop if one was listening for that pin. Finally, Nemmer was the one who broke the silence. "There is a room over at the Rusty Nail Pub. I was just there this past week with my fellow archers and I am sure I heard the owner mention he had a spare room available." Which of course set up another flow of highly opinionated views on that suggestion. "No, I don't think that is a good idea," replied Awena. "I walked by there on my way to the council meeting and heard that the little old lady that owns the place just picked up a set of Peerrots (in the Outie world would be known as parrots) that squeal 'Rise & Shine and Git Out' every morning now. I don't think we want our guest to think we don't want him here," continued Awena. At that moment a golden coach pulled up in front of the Village Council's building. All the members stood in anticipation for the Herald to exit the coach. As he did he simple stepped down, gave everyone a cold look, paid the coach driver, and then turned towards the center of the Village as if looking for something. He then proceeded to walk off and left without a word of acknowledgement or greeting as the coach departed in the opposite direction. So, just like the Pied Piper in tales of old, the Herald continued walking down the center of the small village neither looking left nor right with the Council members (now with a few curious villagers who were wondering where the parade was going and what was it for) all following behind him. Little did they know that Aralt was focusing on the ley lines of the area. He could feel them and though it had been many many years since being here, especially without the Dragons to feed them, the lines were still here, though very faint.
"If he thinks he is staying at my castle without an invitation or greeting, I don't think so!" Ffion growled to herself as the crowd all turned towards the Shadows' Queen castle. They all continued walking down the road like a gaggle of geese following the Herald's lead as he walked into the courtyard of the Shadows' Queen's castle and proceeded to the back upper garden where several of those following soon realized it was the same garden where the young Wish Dragon had transformed into a Moon Dragon. Aralt then went past the waterfalls (that covered the entrance to the secret cave that held the Dragon tablet recently taken by a Borrower) towards a wall covered with bramble vines that grow only in a darker corner of the garden. With his arms raised and the stone in the locket glowing that he always carried with him, Aralt spoke. " Rise to the left. Shift to the right. Reveal these doors to my Sight." Magically the brambles began to pull to the left with some shifting to the right, soon a massive stone door appeared that slowly opened for him. Apparently, by everyone's stunned reaction, Aralt realized that most of these simple people didn't know about the Dragons' Cave below. He finally decided to address the crowd of followers and turned to face them. "Excuse me. This is where I'll be staying. It has been a long day. I will meet with you tomorrow," and with that walked through the now open doorway with them shutting behind him. All the villagers stood there stunned with their mouths hanging open, wondering just what had happen.
It was that new style of cleaning she had shown to some of the other house Brownies at her last convention that he had written about. She called it 'vak-u-ming' (whatever that was). "It will never replace the broom," Snoop thought as he continued watching her clean. "There must be a meeting going to happen today," he realized when he also saw the brewing tea pot and cookies. "There sure are a lot of cookies and cups, so it must be for a full council meeting. Maybe even some VMPs (Very Magical Persons) " Snoop muttered to himself.
"At least the tea is better than what I brew at the Bellwether," Snoop thought while he slowly sipped a little. "I might have to make this cup last a long time since it doesn't appear that anyone has arrived yet but Granny Flare."
"You were right," Dulbbe said to Drat. "It was uncomfortable besides being dirty too. I don't want to have to use that route again unless we absolutely have too. I mean, I can usually see well in the dark, but not in that pitch black hole you took me through. I don't know how you did it because I could not see my hand in front of my face! And don't tell me what was making that sound when were were walking around down there... I don't even what to know who or what it was," Dulbbe finished with a shudder as he brushed his clothes with his hands. "Sorry Sire, but you did say you wanted to get here fast," Drat answered (but not before Snoop noticed that the rat had answered with a small smile on his lips). Still smiling, Drat stepped aside and motioned for his King to enter the council chamber first as he followed. "Interesting," thought Snoop. "I wonder who else will appear." Just as he said that, the coach with Queen Ffion pulled up being pulled by no less than four Nytemares. "She must have been in a hurry," he decided. "This must be important!" As Snoop continued to sip on his tea, he was able to observe several more arrivals for the meeting. There was Hewy, Hir'aeth the Gooblin King, the Goodie sisters, Awena from the Sleeping Sisters, the Baron and his mother the Dowager, and even Dewin the Wizard. All VMPs indeed! It was the last guest that appeared the made Snoop realize that he had to get into the meeting somehow. It was that young Wish Dragon who had transformed into a Moon Dragon, Drai'ochtluan. "I am glad that he likes to go by 'Dree' for short," Snoop sighed to himself. "I would have to look up the spelling every time I want to write it down."
Not realizing that Snoop meant it as a bad thing because she liked to jump everywhere, she shrugged his comment off and pulled on his sleeve again. When she thought she had his full attention, she delivered the message she was sent out with. "The Council asks if you would join them in the council chamber. They said they did not want to start without you." Snoop was flabbergasted... how did they know that is exactly where he wanted to be?
Off to one side was Hewy, the Troll, who was busy giving the Gooblin King, Hir'aeth, the evil eye as the Gooblin King wondered to himself where had Druzzy, the Troll King, snuck off too? Efem, the Tree Mother, was huddled with Dewin by a small bench and waving her hands in the air trying to make a point as she tried to get his complete attention. While Dewin was trying also to see where the Troll King had wondered off as well as try to keep one ear open to listen to Efem. Things were certainly tense and confusing. It was then, as Goodiegood was looking around at everyone, that she noticed the large crystal-like egg in the the middle of the garden. "I doubt that has been here very long," she asked without expecting much of an answer. She realized what it was as she looked closer seeing something blue swirling around inside of it. Turning to her sisters she said, "It looks like what we feared has happened. The Prophesy has begun with the Last Wish Dragon being lost. Now we must find out who sacrificed their magic for this to have happened." As the three sisters started looking around the garden to see who might be missing from the vision they had earlier, Goodie2shues finally hollered to the crowd, "Everyone! We don't have much time so listen up! We need to talk to Ffion or the Shadows' King. Does anyone know where they are?" When the Dowager finished, Goodie4u mumbled loud enough for only her sisters to hear, "Now we know who sacrificed their power, as the King and Ffion being Nyte Shades are the only two beings strong enough to give up their power and not be swayed by the Darkness or Greed." Realizing that speed was now needed, Goodie2shues spoke again to the crowd. "We need to speak to Ffion immediately! The Realm depends on it!"
As her sisters disappeared, Goodiegood quietly mumbled to herself, "The best thing we can do now is get Ffion back to our place so we can whip up our 'Surrogare' recipe before this egg fully hatches. The Ntyemares are the best choice to fly us home in time." As the other two sisters flew off to do her bidding, Goodiegood thought about trying to explain to Awena and the Dowager what was happening, but there just wasn't enough time. All she could do was shout out "Trust ME!" as she ran to follow her sisters.
The first to arrive was Awena which the Dowager was very glad to see. Griselda had quickly grabbed her and took her down into the depths of the library where the Shadows' King had been holed up for the past several days.
As they approached their destination, a green glow was emanating from under the door to room 101. When they knocked they had already decided not to wait for an answer and rushed in before the King could refuse seeing them. What they saw was a surprise! Both spied the King sitting on a low stool with his head in his hands. His clothes, normally clean and spotless, were rumpled and dirty. His hair stuck out in all directions, no longer combed and braided, but the part that shocked them the most was the defeated look in his eyes. As they rushed to his side to find out what ailed him, the Dowager was first to speak. "What is it King Hunter?" she asked as Awena placed her hands on his slumped shoulders. Awena could feel the tension and frustration that was floating around the King but also something she thought she would never see in him. She could feel his despair! Slowly the King looked up at them and in a weary voice asked, "What do you know about the Dragon tablet?" "Very little," the Dowager replied. "Other than what the flutterby just shared with me a little while ago. It has been located and coming here by way of a Borrower as well as with your faithful Scribe, Dulbbe." "Then there is hope!" murmured the King. Slowly he stood up with a little wobble since he truly hadn't eaten much in days. He placed the silk cover over the green glowing crystal ball that had been beside him. While he was doing this, the Dowager was sharing that she had felt the need to assemble everyone in the King's garden, while she was apologizing that she had used his personal messengers the Nytemares. The King nodded to her as he picked up the crystal ball and proceeded to leave the library room. "I agree," answered the King. Appearing to gain strength from all that he was hearing from the Griselda, he continued, "We will all assemble in the garden as soon as everyone is here, especially Hungry. He is the key element and now it seems is his time. I had hoped to give him more time by sending him to his teachers when he first arrived in the Shadows' Realm. When the tablet had been taken, it started the process and whether or not he is ready, it seems that Hungry will now be coming into his power."
King Hunter, the Shadows' King, lead everyone out into his garden and then down a trail and through a veil of hanging vines that parted as the participants approached. Hidden inside was a secluded garden of Moonflowers which surrounded a small stone bench in the center. The night was black with the new moon and only a handful of dimly shining stars were in the sky but everyone could see the white trail of stones that lead through the Moonflowers and surrounded it. "Hungry, would you please sit yourself on the stone bench in the center of the garden?" asked King Hunter while directing the others to stand in a circle around the bench and the now seated Dragon. "Arnie, as I understand it, you have my tablet?" asked Hunter to the Borrower who was trying to hide behind some of the others in the circle. With a bowed head, Arnie approached the King while offering the tablet in her hands. "It is the one time I am sorry that I 'borrowed' something Sire Sir," Arnie meekly replied. Hunter gently took the tablet from her hands. "You are forgiven, for it was all part of the prophecy and you were just the element that sparked the beginning of it," the King told her. He then turned to Awena of the Sleeping Sisters and asked, "Did you bring the Blue Rose with the Tear that your Order has been watching over for eons?"
"No, Awena, Please hand it to me," the king replied. With the Dragon tablet and now the rose in his hand, King Hunter approached Hungry. "Do you trust me?" asked the King to the lil' Dragon. As Hungry looked up into his eyes he could see a great sadness in them but he could also feel an over whelming sense of peace and love. "I don't know you well Sir, but I do trust you," Hungry replied. "Then eat the rose," the King commanded as he handed it to the Wish Dragon. Hungry replied, "That should not be a problem for I am forever hungry and sure could use a little snack right now. Is it sweet? I do love sweet things, especially from the Sugar Plum factory." The King nodded his head and told Hungry that he wouldn't be hungry afterwards. Hungry ate the rose. As he started chewing, he closed his eyes savoring the sweet taste and the lovely smell of the magic ambrosia. Then he burped. It had come from his tummy where a little spark had arisen while he chewed the flower. It had floated up his throat and out his mouth as he burped. The spark continued to rise and was quickly hovering over his head where it grew bigger and brighter. Larger and brighter it grew like a shining star in the sky. The light was almost turning this dark night into day with it's glow and then all of a sudden it burst! Sparks flew everywhere causing those standing around the Wish Dragon to shield their eyes and turn their heads away. When they turned back to look at Hungry, the Dragon tablet laid on the ground, the Shadows' King was gone, and a huge crystal orb was in the middle of the garden where the Wish Dragon had been sitting. As everyone was examining the crystal orb, the others did not notice as the Troll King quickly picked up the tablet and slide it under his crown.
"When a certain student decides not to disappear to go off and play... not too bad," answered Dewin with a disgruntled look. "We were supposed to have a belching class this morning but he skipped out somewhere. I have been looking up some more information for his studies in my crystal ball for when he returns. He will wish he had attended the class instead of going off to play by the time I get done." It was when looking up from the crystal ball that the wizard noticed that his three visitors all looked a little more than just concerned about the absence of the Wish Dragon. "What's going on?" asked Dewin. "Is there something I should know about?" The Baron started out and then Hewy jumped in to explained their concerns about Hungry's safety. "Yes," said Hewy, "the Troll King has been asking a lot of questions about Dragons and that he was hearing about a Dragon tablet. We're concerned about what the Troll King might do if he could capture Hungry."
"Recently I was looking over some old scrolls, preparing for a lesson with Hungry, when I found a reference to a Dragon Transformation ritual. It was just a small note scribbled on the margin that I just took as a pondering note, but now it makes some sense." The others did not interrupt the wizard, so he continued his ponderings. "It mentioned a disaster with the Dragons. Something about how a Wish Dragon was undergoing the transformation when a bird interrupted the ceremony. From the sounds of the note, things did not go well for the Wish Dragon. That is all I know about it as sadly what happened wasn't written." The three visitors concernedly glanced at each other and made a decision. "We need to find Hungry now to make sure he is safe and well hidden from the Troll King until we have the tablet," said the Baron to the others. Even the wizard nodded his head in agreement since it was now not just finding a truant student, but possibly the future of the realms.
As Arnie was thinking of the things she could do to the Wysp if it was tricking her again, others in the Realms were also making plans...
After a short pause, Awena continued in a low voice, "I believe that Fae could may be you as you were the one who was able to open the enchanted book when no others could." "I feel that you are wrong, but tell me more about this prophecy," answered the Dowager. "There are so many other Fae involved in this mess with the Dragon tablet that you must be wrong." So, as Awena and Griselda discuss the prophecy, others were also busy...
"I still think that checking with Drat (the Troll King's top minion) might be more beneficial," he continued. "Come on you scaredy-cat! If we talk to any the Troll King's minions or the Gooblin King's, then they will know what we are doing. Now, just follow my lead," said the Baron as he walked into the Troll bar right past the sign that read "Aged Goat's Milk Today's Special - 100 Proof" as they looked for Hewy...
"Now wait a minute. Sorry to interrupt but I am trying to figure this out," cut in The CAT. "If Hungry is the last of the Wish Dragons and he has been lost for this whole time... sounds like to me that he would certainly be starving. Also sounds like he might be in need of a teacher too. Okay, please continue." Hewy then continued his song. "Whoooh!" said The CAT. "That sure sounds like the wizard here. He almost prevailed with trying to get his wish. Not that I am saying you are evil, mister wizard, as I don't know you that well. But it sounded like to me that the wish you were asking for could have changed things not only here in this Realm but where you were from too."
"As they both must gain the Dragyn 's token." Silently everyone gathered around the little Wish Dragon. Dewin was the first to speak. "I am sorry for misleading you Hungry. I just wanted to go home, not realizing that maybe I am already there." After that, everyone agreed that Hungry needed to learn more about the powers of the Wish Dragon. It was decided that Hewy and Parsley, having gained the Dragon's trust, would be responsible for starting those lessons. The CAT was happy he was also going to be returning to familiar surroundings, as he now had to have lessons too apparently as the Dragon's Spite. Sprout was thrilled to hear that Hungry was going to be heading home with him as her heard his mother tell the Wish Dragon that she would be his teacher. Until Parsley added, “and you will not be alone for Sprout will take classes with you.” “WHAT?” exclaimed the startled Dryad.
It was only The Wishing Well who noticed after everyone had left Snoop rushing from the bushes he had been hiding in to hurry back to the Bellwether to get out the scoop of his career. A Dragon had returned to the Realms!!!
“I am afraid it doesn't work that way. I have tried but no matter how much I try to do something, it somehow always seems to not come out the exact way I pictured it to be,” answered The CAT. “Look Hungry, bad things can happen even when trying to do good.” Dewin had his own plan here and being interrupted by this CAT wasn't helping it, but before he could stop The CAT, another spoke first. “You're his Spite!” Sprigg’n exclaimed excitedly at The CAT. “I wasn’t sure at first, but after listening to you speak, the feelings we experienced when we first met, and now meeting Hungry, I realize that you ARE his Spite. That is Good... I think." “What do you mean 'his Spite'?” Hungry and The CAT, both being surprised and confused, replied together. Now everyone was listening for Sprigg'n's answer, even the Wizard. Since Sprigg'n still hadn't answered, Dewin asked again, "What do you mean? How is The CAT the Wish Dragon's Spite? You told me before that Spites only appear with a Wish Dragon and a wish." Shaking her head at the wizard, Sprigg’n finally answered. “Hungry and The CAT were both born at the same time. Hungry must have been from a wish that was answered, and don’t ask me how it was answered or by whom cause I don’t know. But, The CAT is Hungry’s Spite, take it from me.” “But what does that mean?” pleaded the Dragon. “Will he help me make the right choices so that evil won't reign?”
Before Hungry could grant the wish though, Hewy jumping in with a loud "NO!" which distracted everyone. "Is that why you have been looking for this Dragon, Wizard?" Hewy stared at Dewin. But before he could answer, Hewy turned to the little Dragon and said "Hungry, before returning Dewin to his own land think about what could be the downside of his wish. It could just as easily be that he will loose all the magic he has accumulated while here or that his life may end. The magic here has kept him alive for far longer than he normally would have lived in his own realm.”
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025