What powerful three little words... 'In Spite Of'. I even looked up the definition so I could truly understand the magnitude of this phrase. Here is what I found: "'in spite of' is used for referring to a fact that makes something else surprising. For example, "In spite of feeling tired, we decided to go out." These words are quite a motivator too (as this example shows) - "Spite will make a woman do more than love" ~ Marguerite De Navarre Or my favorite expression for 'in spite of' is: "Courage is not the absence of Fear, but the ability to act in spite of fear!" ~Harrish Sairaman By now you are probably asking why am I defining the words "in spite of"? It is because this is where my inspiration for my little Spite came from. First let me explain the difference between a Sprite and a Spite. A Sprite is born from the first laughter of a new-born baby... that first burst of love, joy and wonderment of the world. (click if you like to hear a laugh *smiling*). But a Spite is born from the left-over magic of a wish. That thought which happens when the 'what ifs' enter the mind. That small second of thought when the magic is halted from fully going into the wish because of a moment of doubt. So instead of granting the complete power of the desire that goes into a wish, the 'what if' is attached. In other words - an 'in spite of' (aka Spite) is born and you never know where the wish might go. The Spite helps the wish further along (with their sense of humor always added), to give it an expected twist. And so, with these thoughts/wishes rolling around in my head... my little Spite is being created.
Passporte', who didn't look at time quite the same way as the wizard, agreed to stay. He wasn't ready to continue down the trail even if it was getting dark until he could finish writing up the thoughts still swirling around in his head. That is exactly what Dewin wanted to hear. "What are you still writing about," he asked Passporte'. "Is it still about the Dragon?"
After he scribbled some more in his journal Passporte' continued, "This is when Hewy said something about a prophecy and the Dragon." Now this did intrigue the wizard for he knew how powerful prophecies could be, specially when revealed by a mystic such as a Sleeping Sister. "Please continue. This is fascinating," prompted Dewin to his guest. So as the wizard listened to Passporte' transfixed by his words, little did they know that a little Dragon down the trail in the woods was also going through his own transformation. After all he was a young Dragon growing by leaps and bounds as he continued trudging through the Woods in search of a teacher and his pillow.
As Dewin continued to observe the scribbler, Passporte' mumbled something which caught his attention. "What was that?", he asked. Passporte' looked up and repeated, "When I find the Dragon, I must remember to ask about the prophecy when I find out if they are vegetarians." Now that was something Dewin had never heard before. "What prophecy might that be Passporte'?" But Passporte' was busy finishing in his journal Dewin knew that he must practice the extreme magic of "patience" as he waited a little longer before he would get an answer. Without looking up from his journal, Passporte' continued... "Oh, it is something Hewy, the Troll, told me the other day. Something about aWish Dragon being lost who could grant wishes. He did not tell me all of it as he was in a hurry leaving the Sleeping Sisters when I ran into him. But I am sure he would tell you if you find him and asked him." Passporte then continued to scratch his quill in his journal. "Would he indeed," thought Dewin. Hmmmm....
As Passporte' takes a few minutes to add more of his ponderings in his travel journal, let's see what his newest adventure may be about... Click on the journal below to continue reading more of Passporte's latest journal entries.
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025