As Nemmer was returning from Efem’s grove to his cottage he thought about what he would tell his wife, Cornelia, about The CAT. “She isn’t going to be happy, that I still have not found that darn cat,” he muttered.
"Maybe if I had taken off my mask first to say hi that would have been better. Then she might have not have fallen into the stream and gotten covered in clay."
“Oh shush. You haven’t even seen him yet. Everything you know about him came from the birds. You know how they like to twitter on," she tells The CAT.
Soon The CAT is back and starts to rub himself against her leg, letting her know she can pick him up again. “How come sometimes you light up and start to glow? Is it something that is cat-chy?” The CAT snickers.
Efem grew catnip (only the premium kind), ferns to play hide and seek in, and a tree stump with just the right shape for a comfortable cat-bed. He did like looking down on his domain from his bed. Efem touched the stump and magically his favorite cat pillow appeared along with a special crème ala cream bowl of milk. “She is the best pet I ever had,” thought The CAT as he started eating. Soon he was full and contented. Now this CAT was ornery, stubborn, mischievous, and sometime wickedly playful, but his worst vice was that he liked to listen to gossip. The birds were the best gossipers in the realm and he spent hours sitting in trees listening to the Twitter Line (while also waiting for a meal to get too close). Today’s gossip was too good to hold in though and he decided he had to tell someone. Noticing Efem looking at the young saplings in the grove, he sauntered up to her legs and started rubbing himself against her. Using mind-talk he told her “Hungry soon.” Before Efem realized it was The CAT talking, she answered “I already fed you.” When she realized it was The CAT, she gasped. Never had The CAT spoke to her. “I’m not talking about being hungry. Hungry the Wish Dragon will be here soon. You can pick me up and pet me now if you would like and I will tell you the gossip about him,” The CAT replied.
Sounds silly, I know, but this cat thought of things like this. Like why were there words like bee, be, and Bea when they all sounded the same but meant different things? All The CAT could figure was that anyone that was not a cat was just plain silly. “I will never figure out the Others even if I have nine lives to do it in,” he murmured to himself.
He also choose to share his time with Efem’s sister, Cornelia too. She was the strangest and silliest being The CAT had ever met and so was her husband Nemmer. When Nemmer wore his silly bird like mask, he never could understand why that made him hungry. For when he got hungry, he would show up at whichever place was the closest. Putting on his poor pitiful starved look, the sisters would soon start cooing and petting him. At the same time, they would tell him how starved he looked and complained that nobody has fed The CAT. He had to admit to himself that he did like when they scratched behind his ears. That was purrrrfect! The best part so far of his nine lives. He would then show his biggest smile with a sparkle in his teeth to let them know he was well pleased with his Pets. "Now I'm hungry just thinking about it. Who's place is closest?" he wondered.
Not taking his eyes off of the Dusty Mytes, he slowly picked his way over. As he came nearer, the Dusty Mytes slowly rolled closer to Efem, making a trail for him. “What are you doing with these dangerous creatures?”
He was madder now than he was when he realized his mask was gone. For now he knew that it was the Dusty Myte’s who took it. Before he could reach out and start grabbing Dusty Mytes, Efem spoke in her mother’s voice. "Now Nemmer stop that and behave!" When she used that voice it could stop any disobedient child in mid-step to listen up and behave - Nemmer froze.
After a long pause and in a tiny little voice, Nemmer muttered that he was sorry. “What was that? I didn’t quite hear what you said,” Efem glared at him. “I am sorry for attacking the Dusty Mytes and I won’t do it again if they leave me alone,” he repeated. Efem concentrated for a second to hear the Dusty Mytes answer. “They tell me they will honor the peace between you and them if you quit picking them up and bopping them on the head. Now that you have your mask back, tell me why you were coming here in the first place.” “I don’t remember,” Nemmer started to tell her... then a smile spread across his face. “Just kidding. Your sister sent me here and I wish I could forget why. Have you seen The Cat?"
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
July 2024