What was special about this year's celebration was that the Baron and his mother, the dowager Griselda, were hosting the Harvest Event at the Baron's Mansion. As the Baron was discussing the seating arrangements with Snoop since both were nobility in their own ways, the dowager was directing their servants Fiddlefaddle and Sneefle in their duties. "Now don't forget, today you will be serving our guests more than you will be catering to my son's or my needs," she reminded them over and over again.
Meanwhile, Granny Flare was busy in the kitchens in the back of the mansion making sure that everything would be ready for the feast. As she checked each item as it was prepared, Gardner was bringing in the fresh vegetables and fruit that he had grown specially for just this occasion. "Here is the last of it," he told Granny as he set the heavy crate down on the kitchen floor. "Is there anything else you need brought in?" he asked as he stood besides a large boiling pot and enjoying the wonderous aroma that it was making. Granny just smiled as she gave him a couple of the hot pumpkin spice cookies that had just come out of an oven and shooed him outside as she told him to come back in a couple of hours. "By then I will know if I need anything else," she told him.
In the grand ballroom Efem, Cornelia, Parsley, and Nemmer were busy cleaning and setting up the decorations. The dusty mytes were being extra careful (and under the watchful eye of Nemmer) to only suck in the dust as they cleaned instead of blowing any out. "All we need is for them to make everyone forget today," Nemmer thought as he kept one eye on them while he was helping with the decorations. And finally, there were many more helping outside in preparing for the arrival of those who were invited. Since everyone in the Realm was on the guest list except for the Wysps (who would show up invited or not if whoever held the leadership stick felt like it), that meant that a lot of chairs, tables, and tenting was needing to be setup. Dewin, the wizard, was using his magic to have the folding chairs unfold and stand up where he directed while Scarlet was watching over the Nytemares as they dragged in the tables and large tents. So, as all of those who live in the Realm of Wymsy prepare for this thanksgiving feast, we at MisPlace Dolls would like to thank all of you on this Thanksgiving Holiday as we come together to celebrate. Happy Thanksgiving!
For another, it’s all in the preparation. A House Brownie will start planning and preparing for Spring cleaning usually about a month before Spring starts (and sometimes sooner)!
Now this year, Granny Flare had been planning all winter and had finally decided that she needed to branch out and help others who were not so fortunate to have a House Brownie available for the Spring cleaning. The problem was figuring out where her perspective helpers were located now that they did not need to hide from Nemmer. “It’s a good thing that Nemmer quit bopping the Dusty Mytes,” thought Granny as she decided to go out and look for them. “It’s also good that the Dusty Mytes have gained some control over their forgetful dust. It just won’t do having them blow their dust around and everyone forgetting everything. It could set back cleaning for generations!” Granny shuddered just to think of it!
Soon Granny was in the caves and found where the Dusty Mytes had made their homes. It was neat and tidy. “Those noses do a good job of vak-u-ming up all of the dirt,” she thought as she nodded her head in approval. It did not take Granny long, but soon she and the Dusty Mytes came to an agreement and a business plan quickly worked out. Granny would find the cottages that needed cleaning, make all of the arrangements, and have the inhabitants go for a Spring outing, the Dusty Mytes then would come in and vak-u-m the homes. It did not take long for the word to get out which meant Granny needed a plan sooner than later to keep everyone busy while her "crews" were cleaning. With that the Spring Fair idea was born. Now, on the first day of Spring, everyone not in the cleaning crews were at the Spring Fair hosted by Efem, while Granny Flare and other House Brownies (with the Dusty Mytes help of course) are busy swishing, sweeping, and cleaning the old dusty winter gloom away. HAPPY SPRING!
It was that new style of cleaning she had shown to some of the other house Brownies at her last convention that he had written about. She called it 'vak-u-ming' (whatever that was). "It will never replace the broom," Snoop thought as he continued watching her clean. "There must be a meeting going to happen today," he realized when he also saw the brewing tea pot and cookies. "There sure are a lot of cookies and cups, so it must be for a full council meeting. Maybe even some VMPs (Very Magical Persons) " Snoop muttered to himself.
"At least the tea is better than what I brew at the Bellwether," Snoop thought while he slowly sipped a little. "I might have to make this cup last a long time since it doesn't appear that anyone has arrived yet but Granny Flare."
"You were right," Dulbbe said to Drat. "It was uncomfortable besides being dirty too. I don't want to have to use that route again unless we absolutely have too. I mean, I can usually see well in the dark, but not in that pitch black hole you took me through. I don't know how you did it because I could not see my hand in front of my face! And don't tell me what was making that sound when were were walking around down there... I don't even what to know who or what it was," Dulbbe finished with a shudder as he brushed his clothes with his hands. "Sorry Sire, but you did say you wanted to get here fast," Drat answered (but not before Snoop noticed that the rat had answered with a small smile on his lips). Still smiling, Drat stepped aside and motioned for his King to enter the council chamber first as he followed. "Interesting," thought Snoop. "I wonder who else will appear." Just as he said that, the coach with Queen Ffion pulled up being pulled by no less than four Nytemares. "She must have been in a hurry," he decided. "This must be important!" As Snoop continued to sip on his tea, he was able to observe several more arrivals for the meeting. There was Hewy, Hir'aeth the Gooblin King, the Goodie sisters, Awena from the Sleeping Sisters, the Baron and his mother the Dowager, and even Dewin the Wizard. All VMPs indeed! It was the last guest that appeared the made Snoop realize that he had to get into the meeting somehow. It was that young Wish Dragon who had transformed into a Moon Dragon, Drai'ochtluan. "I am glad that he likes to go by 'Dree' for short," Snoop sighed to himself. "I would have to look up the spelling every time I want to write it down."
Not realizing that Snoop meant it as a bad thing because she liked to jump everywhere, she shrugged his comment off and pulled on his sleeve again. When she thought she had his full attention, she delivered the message she was sent out with. "The Council asks if you would join them in the council chamber. They said they did not want to start without you." Snoop was flabbergasted... how did they know that is exactly where he wanted to be?
They weren't dry yet and actually as she looked at herself, they were pretty sad looking. One drooped over her shoulder and the other one was still a bit frazzled on the bottom. "What am I going to do?" she thought to herself.
As she wiggled her toes, she soon smiled. "The little flower accent really makes my feet look smaller I think. I will have to wear them more often," she decided as she looked down at her now favorite pair of shoes. But as she looked back up she saw in the looking glass her saggy wings were making her look like she had visited the cookie jar one too many times this season. Discouraged, Goodiegood turned around to open the door for her sister. As soon as she did, Goodie4u's hand popped in holding a bottle. "Try this sister," she told her. "Spray it on your wings and do hurry up!" Goodiegood looked down at the label which read 'Gloss-i-mare Canned Air ' and thought "what do I have to lose" and proceeded to spray it on her wings. Instantly they were dry and so shiny. "Oh, where did you find this miracle worker?" asked Goodiegood to her sister. "You would be amazed at some of the things the Peddler has in his shop, but don't worry about that now," replied Goodie4u. "We have already missed the Winter Solstice and I am afraid that things are going to get worse if we don't arrive there soon."
Efem grew catnip (only the premium kind), ferns to play hide and seek in, and a tree stump with just the right shape for a comfortable cat-bed. He did like looking down on his domain from his bed. Efem touched the stump and magically his favorite cat pillow appeared along with a special crème ala cream bowl of milk. “She is the best pet I ever had,” thought The CAT as he started eating. Soon he was full and contented. Now this CAT was ornery, stubborn, mischievous, and sometime wickedly playful, but his worst vice was that he liked to listen to gossip. The birds were the best gossipers in the realm and he spent hours sitting in trees listening to the Twitter Line (while also waiting for a meal to get too close). Today’s gossip was too good to hold in though and he decided he had to tell someone. Noticing Efem looking at the young saplings in the grove, he sauntered up to her legs and started rubbing himself against her. Using mind-talk he told her “Hungry soon.” Before Efem realized it was The CAT talking, she answered “I already fed you.” When she realized it was The CAT, she gasped. Never had The CAT spoke to her. “I’m not talking about being hungry. Hungry the Wish Dragon will be here soon. You can pick me up and pet me now if you would like and I will tell you the gossip about him,” The CAT replied.
Not taking his eyes off of the Dusty Mytes, he slowly picked his way over. As he came nearer, the Dusty Mytes slowly rolled closer to Efem, making a trail for him. “What are you doing with these dangerous creatures?”
He was madder now than he was when he realized his mask was gone. For now he knew that it was the Dusty Myte’s who took it. Before he could reach out and start grabbing Dusty Mytes, Efem spoke in her mother’s voice. "Now Nemmer stop that and behave!" When she used that voice it could stop any disobedient child in mid-step to listen up and behave - Nemmer froze.
After a long pause and in a tiny little voice, Nemmer muttered that he was sorry. “What was that? I didn’t quite hear what you said,” Efem glared at him. “I am sorry for attacking the Dusty Mytes and I won’t do it again if they leave me alone,” he repeated. Efem concentrated for a second to hear the Dusty Mytes answer. “They tell me they will honor the peace between you and them if you quit picking them up and bopping them on the head. Now that you have your mask back, tell me why you were coming here in the first place.” “I don’t remember,” Nemmer started to tell her... then a smile spread across his face. “Just kidding. Your sister sent me here and I wish I could forget why. Have you seen The Cat?"
Efem, had a special gift of being able to communicate with them because of her dryad root connect to the earth. She could talk to all of plants and animals, not through words exactly, more like pictures and feelings.
As she was trying to figure how to image a question back to the Dusty Mytes about what had happened, another Dusty Myte appeared with Nemmer’s mask. “Oh Nemmer, what has happened? Where are you?”… Where did that blasted mask go?” Nemmer muttered not for the last time as he continued his journey through the woods to Efem’s place. “When I get to Efem’s grove, maybe she can get the trees to help me find my mask,” he thought. “I normally don’t just lose things, so it still makes me wonder how I lost my mask. I’m sure those blasted Dusty Mytes had something to do with it.”
As he was walking through the forest, singing his favorite song, he kept his eyes open for those annoying Dusty Mytes… (sung to the tune of ‘Little Bunny Foo Foo’) Great Archer Nemmer, walking through the forest, scooping up the Dusty Mytes and boppin’ ‘em on the head. Down came the good fairy and she said, Great Archer Nemmer, I don’t want to see you scooping up the Dusty Mytes and boppin’ ‘em on the head. I’ll give you three chances, and if you don’t behave I’ll turn you into a …
Flitting from bush to tree to rock, he finally spies them. “Terrific! I found three of them together. This must be my lucky day!” Quietly sneaking up to the Dusty Mytes and reaching down to scoop them up, the string holding his mask comes untied and the mask falls off. The Dusty Mytes, hearing the mask hit the ground, suddenly realize that he is upon them. With Nemmer's protective mask gone, they quickly douse him in forgetful dust - blowing it out of their long trunk-like noses. Sometime later, Nemmer finds himself walking down the forest trail, humming his song, trying to remember why was he going to Efem’s house. “Oh well, it will come to me when I get there.”
"I spooked ya - didn't I?" Meen giggles. Laughing so hard she had to wipe a tear from her eye. "Whatcha looking for?" As Meen started to take a breath so she could continue to ask more annoying unending questions, Nemmer quickly responds. “Good day Meen. Are you on an errand for the Shadows’ King or just out to play?”
"Now think hard… The Shadow King told you to do something… he normally sends you on errands to tell someone about something that’s important. What is new and important that you can think of?” “I can’t think of anything new. Let’s see, Hungry and I were playing and then we saw Scarlet. Then the King found us and we saw the Nytemares and then Hunter sent Hungry to school… I can’t think of anything important in all of that. Sorry Nemmer, I can’t remember.” “What does having to be hungry got to do with going to school?” asks Nemmer. “What are you talking about? The King sent Hungry the baby Wish Dragon to school.” Meen’s eyes suddenly light up, “I remember now! I was to tell everyone that if they see a Dragon in the Shadows’ Realm that it is Hungry on his way to school. Thanks Nemmer." Jumping onto a mushroom, Meen starts to hop away. "I got to get going and spread the word about Hungry." "That little pykse left before I could ask where she has been," grumbles Nemmer. "Probably forgot that too. Drat... I will just have to keep looking for those pesky Dusty Mytes. They could be anywhere... Imagine a wish dragon back in the kingdom, that is a sight I won't want to forget to see."
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025