Passporte' had been a little hesitant to enter the small cottage as the entire meeting was held in total darkness. He never learned what was told to Drat as he did not speak of it even after they left (which only added more mystery to the whole event).
Dragon script is ancient with only a rare few outside the circle of Dragons that can read their written language. The thing was that Drat had heard the Gooblin King was one of those individuals. Drat knew that Atian, the Village on the Wall historian, was also one of those but he had left and nobody knew when he would return leaving just the Gooblin King... or so he thought. As he was racking his tiny brain, Drat knew that when he informed Druzzy he would be ordered to find out what was on the tablet... but who to go to? Then it hit Drat. One other may know how to read the tablet or possibly might know of someone else with the knowledge. The Dowager! She had been a Wish Dragon Clan Guardian and knew many of their secrets. "How do I get her to tell me," he pondered. "I may have to resort to that method I seldom use."
Passporte', who didn't look at time quite the same way as the wizard, agreed to stay. He wasn't ready to continue down the trail even if it was getting dark until he could finish writing up the thoughts still swirling around in his head. That is exactly what Dewin wanted to hear. "What are you still writing about," he asked Passporte'. "Is it still about the Dragon?"
After he scribbled some more in his journal Passporte' continued, "This is when Hewy said something about a prophecy and the Dragon." Now this did intrigue the wizard for he knew how powerful prophecies could be, specially when revealed by a mystic such as a Sleeping Sister. "Please continue. This is fascinating," prompted Dewin to his guest. So as the wizard listened to Passporte' transfixed by his words, little did they know that a little Dragon down the trail in the woods was also going through his own transformation. After all he was a young Dragon growing by leaps and bounds as he continued trudging through the Woods in search of a teacher and his pillow.
As Dewin continued to observe the scribbler, Passporte' mumbled something which caught his attention. "What was that?", he asked. Passporte' looked up and repeated, "When I find the Dragon, I must remember to ask about the prophecy when I find out if they are vegetarians." Now that was something Dewin had never heard before. "What prophecy might that be Passporte'?" But Passporte' was busy finishing in his journal Dewin knew that he must practice the extreme magic of "patience" as he waited a little longer before he would get an answer. Without looking up from his journal, Passporte' continued... "Oh, it is something Hewy, the Troll, told me the other day. Something about aWish Dragon being lost who could grant wishes. He did not tell me all of it as he was in a hurry leaving the Sleeping Sisters when I ran into him. But I am sure he would tell you if you find him and asked him." Passporte then continued to scratch his quill in his journal. "Would he indeed," thought Dewin. Hmmmm....
As Passporte' takes a few minutes to add more of his ponderings in his travel journal, let's see what his newest adventure may be about... Click on the journal below to continue reading more of Passporte's latest journal entries.
Startled out of their distractions, it was Dewin who spoke first. "What brings you out today Passporte'? You found something new to add to your journal?" "Oh, hi Dewin. Yes, I have recently heard rumors about a Dragon being seen in the woods and decided I would go out and see if I could find it. What brings you out?" asked Passporte'. Not wanting to tell the adventurer that he too was looking for the Dragon (for reasons he knew Passporte' would not approve of...), Dewin told him the first thing that came to his mind. "I was remembering about the old holiday I used to wait for each year called Samhain (also now know as All Hallows Eve or Halloween). You probably have never heard of it." "Actually I have," answered Passporte'. His answer surprised Dewin so much, it took a minute before he realized that Passporte' was rummaging through his satchel, looking for a small scroll. "Here it is!" he exclaimed. "I once heard a story from Scarlet, the Nytemare's farrier, about this special time and how magick ran amok that night... Would you like to read it?" Passporte' asked Dewin. Would you also like to read the tail (oops - did it again - I meant the tale) of the Nytemares and Halloween?
According to Furnace’s journal, he had met a troll who had lived under a bridge. This troll would require any traveler wishing to cross the bridge to answer a riddle correctly. If the traveler did not, they were in danger of being eaten by the troll (unless the traveler had something else to give). Apparently hungry trolls love the taste of goat's milk and Furnace had a travel bag with some. He did not say in his journal if he answered the question correctly, but somehow he was able to spend some time with the troll since it did not have too many visitors and apparently was lonely.
I left him the goat's milk I had brought (just in case I needed it) with a promise to return and learn more about him and his kind. As I was walking back from his bridge, I did notice that several foresters were clearing away a new road towards his bridge and hopefully this lonely troll will start having new visitors that he can meet (and hopefully not eat)... I did tell the foresters that they may want to carry an extra bottle of goat's milk when working near the bridge.
The blue one, the Pyksee (I think) was shouting that she had a "secret" and she wasn’t going to share it! The other one with the wings kept telling the Pyksee she didn't have any secrets worth keeping... So there! And the argument started. While I hid behind a large mushroom observing, I almost felt like my friend, Snoop, the newspaper man. Pretty soon the shouting was just so loud that I decided it was time to intervene. As I approached them, I simply said they should not be arguing like this. They both turned to stare at me as if I was a three-headed beast (which I have seen -- See Notes) and immediately they both shouted at the same time, "We were not arguing!" How quickly the Pyksee said for me not to pick on the Fairy... and the Fairy said for me to not pick on the Pyksee. I tried to explain that I wasn't. I was only trying to help them understand that yelling isn't the best way to talk. Pretty soon they had me going around and around - leaping to defend each other and in the process confusing me. I soon came to the conclusion that there is more than one way to be Pyksee-lated (to become confused, confounded and lost). I also realized that they were fast friends with strong opinions. So, dear journal, a lesson learned - never, ever get into the middle of an argument between friends (especially if one is a Pyksee) because you will become Pyksee-lated even when they are not trying to.
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
July 2024