What was special about this year's celebration was that the Baron and his mother, the dowager Griselda, were hosting the Harvest Event at the Baron's Mansion. As the Baron was discussing the seating arrangements with Snoop since both were nobility in their own ways, the dowager was directing their servants Fiddlefaddle and Sneefle in their duties. "Now don't forget, today you will be serving our guests more than you will be catering to my son's or my needs," she reminded them over and over again.
Meanwhile, Granny Flare was busy in the kitchens in the back of the mansion making sure that everything would be ready for the feast. As she checked each item as it was prepared, Gardner was bringing in the fresh vegetables and fruit that he had grown specially for just this occasion. "Here is the last of it," he told Granny as he set the heavy crate down on the kitchen floor. "Is there anything else you need brought in?" he asked as he stood besides a large boiling pot and enjoying the wonderous aroma that it was making. Granny just smiled as she gave him a couple of the hot pumpkin spice cookies that had just come out of an oven and shooed him outside as she told him to come back in a couple of hours. "By then I will know if I need anything else," she told him.
In the grand ballroom Efem, Cornelia, Parsley, and Nemmer were busy cleaning and setting up the decorations. The dusty mytes were being extra careful (and under the watchful eye of Nemmer) to only suck in the dust as they cleaned instead of blowing any out. "All we need is for them to make everyone forget today," Nemmer thought as he kept one eye on them while he was helping with the decorations. And finally, there were many more helping outside in preparing for the arrival of those who were invited. Since everyone in the Realm was on the guest list except for the Wysps (who would show up invited or not if whoever held the leadership stick felt like it), that meant that a lot of chairs, tables, and tenting was needing to be setup. Dewin, the wizard, was using his magic to have the folding chairs unfold and stand up where he directed while Scarlet was watching over the Nytemares as they dragged in the tables and large tents. So, as all of those who live in the Realm of Wymsy prepare for this thanksgiving feast, we at MisPlace Dolls would like to thank all of you on this Thanksgiving Holiday as we come together to celebrate. Happy Thanksgiving!
Not everyone else was smiling though. Especially not the town council members who had glanced at each other when Aralt had disappeared behind his doors and now started back to the council chambers. They definitely needed to talk. Shortly all of them were sitting around the conference table thinking about what to say at the meeting. Each of the councilors had their chief minion there in case an errand or message needed to be delivered awaiting in the chairs spaced against the wall of the chamber. Even if they were longingly gazing at the buffet table that Granny Flare and Cornelia had setup for everyone to snack on, they understood the importance of the events of day. Finally it was the Dowager who started the conversation. "Well, that went well." Those four words were all it took to get everyone talking at the same time. "Who would have thought he would be so short and I don't just mean in stature," snapped one member. "How can he think I will let him stay on the grounds of my castle," growled Queen Ffion. "What are we going to do now?" both Awena and Dulbbe silently thought to themselves as they listened to the others talk.
Each of the council members sat quietly, thinking about the Baron's question. Indeed, what do we do now? It was a quandary. "There is one thing we probably should do," grumbled Nemmer as he watched the others staring at each other around the table. "Maybe we need to hide Dree until we know more about this Herald business." It took a minute, as the others were heavy in thought about the situation, before they realized what Nemmer had just muttered. "Nemmer is right," smiled the Dowager. "Dree should be hidden until we know enough about Aralt before they meet. We don't want the two of them to get off on the wrong foot. But I also don't think they should meet until we find out what the Herald's plans are first." After a short discussion, the rest of the council agreed with the Dowager, but who to send? For they needed to distract Dree and to keep him away until the council had their chance to find out Aralt's plan and that wouldn't be easy. "I could send Meen," volunteered Queen Ffion as Meen jumped from her chair when she heard her name. "No disrespect to you or your minion, Queen Ffion," answered Awena, " But we need someone who might be able to distract Dree as to the arrival of the Herald but not spill the beans about him. Meen would get so caught up playing and probably tell Dree everything since she is a twiddletop when it comes to keeping secrets." The conversation continued for some time, going back and forth on who would be best to inform the Dragon, but it wasn't until Dulbbe, the Troll King, made his offer before they selected the messenger.
Realizing that his boss was both correct and actually giving him a compliment, Drat blushed slightly and bowed his head. "As you command Sire," he replied as he departed on his errand. "Well, it got me out of what looked like a long and boring meeting," thought Drat as he darted down the street to the caves under the Baron's mansion all the time working up a plan to keep the Dragon busy without letting him know he was being hidden away again for now. "I wonder if I can get him into a game of Tic Tac Toe? That could take a while if he doesn't know that secret. But I will definitely need to let him know that it doesn't require body parts or eating."
"Is everyone okay? Where's the water buckets and I will start trying to put the fire out!" asked Hewy as he started towards the well. "Hewy, It's fine. The fire is out," Efem was finally able to tell him after she had stopped coughing. Cornelia grumbled, since Efem was coughing again, "We have found out that when Hungry gets excited, he spits a little fire and a lot, and I do mean a lot, of smoke." It took Hewy a minute before he realized what was happening, then since everyone was okay, he started laughing. This is when The CAT joined in as he also thought it was funny. Knowing that he was Hungry's Spite, The CAT was enjoying both being fed by Cornelia and Efem as well as the entertainment of these Wish Dragon's lessons. Hewy, soon realizing that both of the Dryads were not as amused as him, quickly stopped laughing but still could not take the smile from his lips. "And to what do we owe this visit from you today?" growled Efem as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "You are not scheduled to be Hungry's teacher for another couple of weeks." Having almost forgotten his reason for the visit, Hewy quickly told them of his meeting with the King of the Trolls and his concerns. "I agree Hewy, he is up to no good," answered Efem. "The question is, what do we do?" "I have been thinking about that and the best I can come up with is to send Hungry somewhere for a while so Druzzy won't be able to find him until we find out what he is wanting," answered Hewy. "The problem is that I can't think of anyplace safe and where he won't be seen."
Now Dewin, being a wizard, had given the others each a crystal to communicate with him over long distances so they could keep in touch. They decided that would be the best for Hungry and after the smoke cleared, went back inside of the cottage where they told Dewin about their concerns and request. Shortly Sprigg'n, the Spite that had attached herself to the wizard upon his arrival to the Realm, arrived and they (Hungry, The CAT, and Sprigg'n) were off to the safety of Dewin's cave. As they left and Hewy watched them crest the first hill and disappear from sight, Hewy finally felt that Hungry would soon be safe... ahhh, but will he? There seems to be others who also wish to see the Wish Dragon and not all of them from just curiosity. "Now," wondered Hewy, "in the meantime where I am going to disappear until this blows over?"
"Now wait a minute. Sorry to interrupt but I am trying to figure this out," cut in The CAT. "If Hungry is the last of the Wish Dragons and he has been lost for this whole time... sounds like to me that he would certainly be starving. Also sounds like he might be in need of a teacher too. Okay, please continue." Hewy then continued his song. "Whoooh!" said The CAT. "That sure sounds like the wizard here. He almost prevailed with trying to get his wish. Not that I am saying you are evil, mister wizard, as I don't know you that well. But it sounded like to me that the wish you were asking for could have changed things not only here in this Realm but where you were from too."
"As they both must gain the Dragyn 's token." Silently everyone gathered around the little Wish Dragon. Dewin was the first to speak. "I am sorry for misleading you Hungry. I just wanted to go home, not realizing that maybe I am already there." After that, everyone agreed that Hungry needed to learn more about the powers of the Wish Dragon. It was decided that Hewy and Parsley, having gained the Dragon's trust, would be responsible for starting those lessons. The CAT was happy he was also going to be returning to familiar surroundings, as he now had to have lessons too apparently as the Dragon's Spite. Sprout was thrilled to hear that Hungry was going to be heading home with him as her heard his mother tell the Wish Dragon that she would be his teacher. Until Parsley added, “and you will not be alone for Sprout will take classes with you.” “WHAT?” exclaimed the startled Dryad.
It was only The Wishing Well who noticed after everyone had left Snoop rushing from the bushes he had been hiding in to hurry back to the Bellwether to get out the scoop of his career. A Dragon had returned to the Realms!!!
“I am afraid it doesn't work that way. I have tried but no matter how much I try to do something, it somehow always seems to not come out the exact way I pictured it to be,” answered The CAT. “Look Hungry, bad things can happen even when trying to do good.” Dewin had his own plan here and being interrupted by this CAT wasn't helping it, but before he could stop The CAT, another spoke first. “You're his Spite!” Sprigg’n exclaimed excitedly at The CAT. “I wasn’t sure at first, but after listening to you speak, the feelings we experienced when we first met, and now meeting Hungry, I realize that you ARE his Spite. That is Good... I think." “What do you mean 'his Spite'?” Hungry and The CAT, both being surprised and confused, replied together. Now everyone was listening for Sprigg'n's answer, even the Wizard. Since Sprigg'n still hadn't answered, Dewin asked again, "What do you mean? How is The CAT the Wish Dragon's Spite? You told me before that Spites only appear with a Wish Dragon and a wish." Shaking her head at the wizard, Sprigg’n finally answered. “Hungry and The CAT were both born at the same time. Hungry must have been from a wish that was answered, and don’t ask me how it was answered or by whom cause I don’t know. But, The CAT is Hungry’s Spite, take it from me.” “But what does that mean?” pleaded the Dragon. “Will he help me make the right choices so that evil won't reign?”
Before Hungry could grant the wish though, Hewy jumping in with a loud "NO!" which distracted everyone. "Is that why you have been looking for this Dragon, Wizard?" Hewy stared at Dewin. But before he could answer, Hewy turned to the little Dragon and said "Hungry, before returning Dewin to his own land think about what could be the downside of his wish. It could just as easily be that he will loose all the magic he has accumulated while here or that his life may end. The magic here has kept him alive for far longer than he normally would have lived in his own realm.”
“What things, Mom?” asked the young Dryad. “Hewy is well known in the Realms as a master musician. He has already played out the first part by singing us the prophecy. Though I don’t know for sure about the Dryad who has forsaken its way, and I am also not sure about what Hewy has to mend let alone what the Dragon’s token is,” she told Sprout. “Maybe the others might have figured it out as I haven’t,” she said as she looked at the others to see if anyone did have the answers. “But Mom, what happens if the rest of the prophecy doesn't happen? Does it mean that Hungry is not the Dragon?” Now that question took Parsley by surprise. “Does it?” she thought. Before the others could say anything, Hewy again spoke. “I have been thinking about that too and it sounds like Hungry is more than just hungry for food but also for knowledge. Maybe it is who will teach him the power of the Wishing that will cause the evil?”
“No! No, I love it here. I don’t want anything to happen to anyone here. I don’t wish harm to Scarlet nor the Nytemares, or Acorn, or Meen, or any of the others I have made friends with. What should I do?” Hungry inquired – now not really asking just Cornelia but the entire group.
Now I am caught up in this silly drama waiting for my part to play as well. Oh, I have choices, don't get me wrong. It is not like I 'have' to do something. By one of my little acts, things could change the outcome. But would it just delay the same results or create another whole new problem? I decided a long time ago, to just go with the flow (that's a well joke if you missed it). So, I might as well see who has already arrived and who is coming since I can feel their energy as they approach.
Efem was my favorite Tree Mother as I did enjoy her inner light. I see that Cornelia and Parsley still like to spar with each other, that certainly hasn't changed it seems. But who is that young energy around the Troll? I haven't met him before though I can feel a connection through him to the Tree Mothers. Hmm... that is interesting. Now the Troll certainly is a different vibration. Usually they are so slow and stagnate (think water... come'on these are funny), but this Troll has a different beat around him. I do believe he is going to have an important part in the prophecy if now is the time for it to happen.
Ahhh... now we all come together... for here is the wizard and the Spite who I gave my mirror too approaching like a tidal wave hitting the beach (okay... if you missed that one you really don't have a sense of humor and maybe aren't well --[wishing well that is - sorry just had to throw in one more]). As Dewin, the Wizard, and Sprigg'n approach The Wishing Well, they are surprised to see so many others there. "Where did they all come from?" the wizard whispered to the Spite. "I thought we were only going to meet the Dragon." Before Sprigg'n could answer, Hungry noticed them walking down the trail and the first thing his eyes latched onto was what Sprigg'n was carrying. "You have MY PILLOW!" roared the Dragon.
Everyone is reading all about it!!! Snoop got the scoop! The truth behind the strange sightings in the Wandering Woods (or at least the foot prints and strange lights anyway) has been discovered. Several days ago Snoop volunteered to search out the Woods to discover the strange reports that had been coming in. What he has discovered will change everything in the Realms and you are reading it here first!
Taking a break from his many duties at the stable, Scarlet was spending a minute reading the latest edition of the Bellwether. “Did you see this Meen?” asked the farrier to the jumping Pyksee. Before Meen could answer he continued, “Your Dragon friend has been discovered to be lose in the Woods and will be making an appearance at the Magical Wishing Well out back behind the King’s Castle today. Let’s go see how he’s been doing but first you should tell the Shadows' King.” … and yes readers, we too will have a representative of the Bellwether on hand at the meeting to keep you informed as to what transpires at the Magical Wishing Well.
As Hewy and the others finished their meal, a Sister entered and bade them all to follow her. They were lead to the entrance of the Hall where other Sisters were holding the few items they had left in their rooms. "Please take your things and go. There is nothing more here for you to learn." Soon they were all standing on the front yard of the cottage, wondering what they were doing outside. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? We haven't learned anything," growled Efem as she was handed her things. "What is going on here? What is the big hurry in having us leave?" Efem continue to scowl at the Sisters. Hewy just nodded his head and turned to go. Cornelia and Parsley glanced at each other when they noticed Hewy leaving. Without saying a word, Cornelia grabbed Efem's hand and started pulling her in the direction of Hewy's departure while Parsley motioned for Sprout to follow. "What are you doing? We came to get answers. We can't leave yet!" Efem growled at her sister. All of a sudden it hit Parsley! "How did you know his name? We never told you his name was Hungry," she asked Sprout.
Soon Awena bade Hewy to return to his room as the dawn was approaching. Reluctantly, he started for the door to find another Sleeping Sister waiting to lead him back to his room. As he followed her, Hewy repeated the prophecy over and over in his mind so he would remember all of it. The next morning, as he and the others were taken to the breakfast meal, Hewy again passed the doors where he had found Awena. This morning they were closed and he also noticed that they did not meet any other Sisters on their way to the dining room. "I wonder where they are," he thought. He did not know that the other Sisters were meeting with Awena while he sat for the meal.
Hewy paused for a moment before answering. "The prophecy includes a Troll that must mend what was broken, the last Wish Dragon, a Dryad who has forsaken it's way, a musician, and one other who was unnamed. The unnamed one will ask the Wish Dragon for something and if the Dragon is not taught it will cause the destruction of the Realm."
Efem piped in, "Did she tell you anything about the others mentioned in the prophecy?" Hewy frowned and replied, "No, after she told me of the prophecy, the night was ending and the dawn was near. I was asked to return to my room. I didn’t see or hear anything until I was invited to breakfast with the rest of you," Hewy answered. "We need to talk more about the prophecy and exactly what Awena told you. Prophecy is fickle. Every word can have a hidden meaning and every sentence may have several outcomes that are not expected," said Cornelia. "My home is the closest. Let's go there and talk when we are done here. Maybe Nemmer will be there with news of the Dragon he was sent out to find. He does seem to be the center of everything."
The others decided that Cornelia was right. They needed to talk and get the latest update on the search for the young Dragon Hewy knew that he needed the others to help solve the prophecy's mystery.
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
December 2024