It was that new style of cleaning she had shown to some of the other house Brownies at her last convention that he had written about. She called it 'vak-u-ming' (whatever that was). "It will never replace the broom," Snoop thought as he continued watching her clean. "There must be a meeting going to happen today," he realized when he also saw the brewing tea pot and cookies. "There sure are a lot of cookies and cups, so it must be for a full council meeting. Maybe even some VMPs (Very Magical Persons) " Snoop muttered to himself.
"At least the tea is better than what I brew at the Bellwether," Snoop thought while he slowly sipped a little. "I might have to make this cup last a long time since it doesn't appear that anyone has arrived yet but Granny Flare."
"You were right," Dulbbe said to Drat. "It was uncomfortable besides being dirty too. I don't want to have to use that route again unless we absolutely have too. I mean, I can usually see well in the dark, but not in that pitch black hole you took me through. I don't know how you did it because I could not see my hand in front of my face! And don't tell me what was making that sound when were were walking around down there... I don't even what to know who or what it was," Dulbbe finished with a shudder as he brushed his clothes with his hands. "Sorry Sire, but you did say you wanted to get here fast," Drat answered (but not before Snoop noticed that the rat had answered with a small smile on his lips). Still smiling, Drat stepped aside and motioned for his King to enter the council chamber first as he followed. "Interesting," thought Snoop. "I wonder who else will appear." Just as he said that, the coach with Queen Ffion pulled up being pulled by no less than four Nytemares. "She must have been in a hurry," he decided. "This must be important!" As Snoop continued to sip on his tea, he was able to observe several more arrivals for the meeting. There was Hewy, Hir'aeth the Gooblin King, the Goodie sisters, Awena from the Sleeping Sisters, the Baron and his mother the Dowager, and even Dewin the Wizard. All VMPs indeed! It was the last guest that appeared the made Snoop realize that he had to get into the meeting somehow. It was that young Wish Dragon who had transformed into a Moon Dragon, Drai'ochtluan. "I am glad that he likes to go by 'Dree' for short," Snoop sighed to himself. "I would have to look up the spelling every time I want to write it down."
Not realizing that Snoop meant it as a bad thing because she liked to jump everywhere, she shrugged his comment off and pulled on his sleeve again. When she thought she had his full attention, she delivered the message she was sent out with. "The Council asks if you would join them in the council chamber. They said they did not want to start without you." Snoop was flabbergasted... how did they know that is exactly where he wanted to be?
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"I am loosing my touch! Some of the biggest stories in the past several years let alone decades and I wasn't there! I didn't even know about them until afterwards," he grumbles. "And that came from one of the minions who was there when I wasn't!"
"How could this have happened?" Snoop thought as Meen went on and on about the events of the past couple of weeks that were unknown to this roving editor/reporter. Somewhere towards the end of the telling, Meen remembered what she was supposed to be doing and bounded off leaving Snoop just standing on the street corner in shock. "I must get this confirmed!" thought Snoop as he ran into the Bellwether office and hollered "Stop the Presses!"
"It was me who first reported the possibility of a Borrower finding a Dragon Tablet. I even was the first to report when the Elifant escaped!"
As he started for the door to check it out more, Snoop's unbridled curiosity took over - little did he realize that this time his story may be more than he was looking for...
While Dulbbe was searching the tunnel, Arnie, the Borrower, was feeling pretty gloomy. She wasn't getting any help finding out what it was that she had found and felt like she was just running around in circles... or actually very long tunnels. She realized that she needed to find someone, and soon, who could get her out of this mess she was slowly finding herself in. In the meantime Hunter, the Shadows' King, after revealing to his daughter, Ffion, what he knew of the book that was in the tunnel before the Borrower had removed it, thought maybe it was time for her to meet the Sleeping Sisters. (That story was available to subscribers only - but it is never too late to sign-up or by sending me an email to read it).
Even annoyed about the message, Awena did know of her responsibility as a Sleeping Sister to teach Ffion of her heritage. While Meen waited in the receiving room for her response, Awena started pulling out books and scrolls to send back with Meen until she could come to Hunter's castle herself to meet with Ffion. "This will have to do until I arrive," she decided after putting another book in the small pile. Realizing that there might be too many books and scrolls for Meen to carry, Awena sent for a small satchel to put them in for the trip back to the castle. Now if Hunter had been more willing to communicate with her or if Awena hadn't felt like she could solve the problem of the Borrower on her own, a lot of confusion could have certainly been avoided, but then that would have shortened the story (*smiling*).
Ffion picked up the one that fell closest to her which was titled 'Awena's Primary on the Language of Flowers'. Now this could be interesting. Then she heard Meen tell the King, "Sire. The Sleeping Sisters are not available to come now, but sent these books and scrolls so that Princess Ffion may start her schooling immediately until they are available to come to answer your summons."
"Schooling! It was "summer" - who wanted to be doing schoolwork when there was fun to be had out in the Realm!" screamed Ffion in her mind. She watched to see what her father's reaction from the Sisters message would be. When he jumped up from his throne, a small smile escaped her lips... that was until she realized that the King was demanding Meen to find the Royal Tutor to begin her lessons. "Oh no. There goes summer!" As Arnie was heading to the hole by the old oak she had fallen into when she found the Dragon tablet, she was totally unaware that at that moment she was the most popular being in all of the realms. Everyone (and every thing) was looking for the Borrower with the Dragon tablet.
Even C.O.G. (Cooperation of Organized Grunts) had called a special meeting to see if anyone knew where a Borrower could be found. It was all very frustrating and not just a few tempers were short...
And across the Realm, two more of the searchers were on a mission of their own. "Tell me again why you think the Sleeping Sisters will help us? I mean, they usually don't get involved in any of the events of the realms. Why this one?" asked the Baron as he and his mother, the Dowager Griselda, were walking to the Sleeping Sisters house. "Also, I would like to know how you know where they live. Hewey, Efem, and the others had to be lead there by a bird."
Stopping in her tracks, the Dowager turned to face her son. "They don't do that," she growled at him with irritation in her voice. "The Sleeping Sisters have been guardians of the realms as long as I can remember and they know of many secrets and prophecies which they study and explore to keep all of us safe. Now, if you would be quiet for a while as I think on how to approach them, it would be appreciated!" Getting a nod from her son who decided it was best not to say another word for a while, they both started back down the trail. While on another hillside overlooking the waterfall, something was watching Arnie as she stepped through the water and started exploring around the pool. "How dare someone come into my garden," it thought. "Something must be done about this..."
For little did it know or care that at that moment it was the only one who knew where the Borrower was ~ even though it didn't know it was a Borrower. It just knew someone was in it's garden!
At least the King sent one of his Nytemares to pull my coach." As horses are few in the Realms, when a Nytemare is willing to take you somewhere - it is only because they wanted to or the Shadows' Realm King commands them to. Griselda was being given an extra treat, being able to ride in one of the King's coaches. "It is nice not to have to walk," she thought. "But he still is going to get an earful about this!" As the Dowager traveled and was going over in her mind what she was going to say to the Shadows' King, little did she realize that the coach was being watched. Actually, all approaches to the King's castle were being watched! But by whom (or what) is the real question.
But with all of these minions on the lose, no one thought to check with Meen to see the invited guest list. Of all the guests she had delivered an invitation to, one was skipped over... No, it was not Hungry (as he had already arrived the day before the party so he could visit with Meen and see the Nytemares). It wasn't Snoop who already was sitting next to the entrance doors to the ballroom so he could keep a list of all of the attendees for the morning edition of the Bellwether. Nor was it the Baron who was presenting the Dowager to the Shadows' King while trying to hide his grin since he knew how mad she was that her little private tea party plan had become a huge event. It seemed everyone who was someone was there except... the Borrowers! Now, why Meen had not added them to the invitation list would probably be based on the Borrower's history. Anytime a Borrower showed up anywhere, they had the habit of 'borrowing' something. It was worse at parties! So much bling and things to see, that they just could not keep their hands in their own pockets. Forks, knives, spoons, small furry animals, even shoes were known to have disappeared when the Borrowers appeared. (Most instances the items were returned eventually and in some cases even something better had been left behind as in the one instance when a glass of milk had disappeared but in its place was left a milk cow - even if the cow was someone else's, the fact that something better had been left cannot be overlooked.) It didn't take long before everyone realized (as nothing had gone missing still) that one of the main reasons they had decided to show up for the party wasn't there! No Borrowers which meant no Dragon tablet. Yes, there was a real Dragon, and usually that would have been something of a spectacle, but this group wanted to see what all the hullabaloo was about regarding this newest find... or at least what the latest gossip was about. Since it wasn't here soon the guests started to make excuses as to why they needed to leave (but not until after filling their pockets with food from the buffet tables).
"What tablet?" Hungry asked, but before Hunter could answer the Baron said, "This tablet that might have untold power." As he continued, Hunter only nodded his head affirming the Barons chilling words. "Hungry, some rulers are benevolent and just, while some are looking to expand their treasury or reputation. There are some who quest for more knowledge or power and some want to change things to be the way they want them to be. Several here tonight attended so they could see the Dragon tablet and had hoped to learn something that the others did not know. Since the tablet wasn't here, each is now heading to their realm to start the race to see who can find the Borrower with the tablet and get it for themself." "A race you say? asked Hungry looking at the Shadows' King. "Are we in it?"
Everyone is reading all about it!!! Snoop got the scoop! The truth behind the strange sightings in the Wandering Woods (or at least the foot prints and strange lights anyway) has been discovered. Several days ago Snoop volunteered to search out the Woods to discover the strange reports that had been coming in. What he has discovered will change everything in the Realms and you are reading it here first!
Taking a break from his many duties at the stable, Scarlet was spending a minute reading the latest edition of the Bellwether. “Did you see this Meen?” asked the farrier to the jumping Pyksee. Before Meen could answer he continued, “Your Dragon friend has been discovered to be lose in the Woods and will be making an appearance at the Magical Wishing Well out back behind the King’s Castle today. Let’s go see how he’s been doing but first you should tell the Shadows' King.” … and yes readers, we too will have a representative of the Bellwether on hand at the meeting to keep you informed as to what transpires at the Magical Wishing Well.
While Meen was hopping around the palace, Griselda was digging through the books in her library at the mansion. The colorful glo-bug lights and decorated tree certainly were putting her in the mood to curl up in front of the fireplace with a good book. What better place to read the stories of old and enjoy a nice cup of tea?
"Maybe there was something to this zooming stuff that the others were gossiping about," she thought. Griselda gathered up her letter from Mrs. Claus with the Coffee Cake Muffin Recipe and decided that a visit to Parsley just might be the thing to do. "Nothing like reaching out to friends far and near... or was that dear (*smiling*) for the holidays".
Little do they all realize, but this unique meeting could shape the entire future of both the Realm of Wymsy and the Shadows' Realm.
"I spooked ya - didn't I?" Meen giggles. Laughing so hard she had to wipe a tear from her eye. "Whatcha looking for?" As Meen started to take a breath so she could continue to ask more annoying unending questions, Nemmer quickly responds. “Good day Meen. Are you on an errand for the Shadows’ King or just out to play?”
"Now think hard… The Shadow King told you to do something… he normally sends you on errands to tell someone about something that’s important. What is new and important that you can think of?” “I can’t think of anything new. Let’s see, Hungry and I were playing and then we saw Scarlet. Then the King found us and we saw the Nytemares and then Hunter sent Hungry to school… I can’t think of anything important in all of that. Sorry Nemmer, I can’t remember.” “What does having to be hungry got to do with going to school?” asks Nemmer. “What are you talking about? The King sent Hungry the baby Wish Dragon to school.” Meen’s eyes suddenly light up, “I remember now! I was to tell everyone that if they see a Dragon in the Shadows’ Realm that it is Hungry on his way to school. Thanks Nemmer." Jumping onto a mushroom, Meen starts to hop away. "I got to get going and spread the word about Hungry." "That little pykse left before I could ask where she has been," grumbles Nemmer. "Probably forgot that too. Drat... I will just have to keep looking for those pesky Dusty Mytes. They could be anywhere... Imagine a wish dragon back in the kingdom, that is a sight I won't want to forget to see."
The blue one, the Pyksee (I think) was shouting that she had a "secret" and she wasn’t going to share it! The other one with the wings kept telling the Pyksee she didn't have any secrets worth keeping... So there! And the argument started. While I hid behind a large mushroom observing, I almost felt like my friend, Snoop, the newspaper man. Pretty soon the shouting was just so loud that I decided it was time to intervene. As I approached them, I simply said they should not be arguing like this. They both turned to stare at me as if I was a three-headed beast (which I have seen -- See Notes) and immediately they both shouted at the same time, "We were not arguing!" How quickly the Pyksee said for me not to pick on the Fairy... and the Fairy said for me to not pick on the Pyksee. I tried to explain that I wasn't. I was only trying to help them understand that yelling isn't the best way to talk. Pretty soon they had me going around and around - leaping to defend each other and in the process confusing me. I soon came to the conclusion that there is more than one way to be Pyksee-lated (to become confused, confounded and lost). I also realized that they were fast friends with strong opinions. So, dear journal, a lesson learned - never, ever get into the middle of an argument between friends (especially if one is a Pyksee) because you will become Pyksee-lated even when they are not trying to.
GreetingsWelcome to my blog. This is where I will reveal the magic of my Fae and their stories and share with you some of the success and pitfalls through the journey of doll making, sculpting, and other crafts that all come back to my dolls in many ways. Archives
February 2025